Army Woke Agenda

Army Opens Investigation Into Military Training That Called Pro-Life Orgs ‘Terrorists’

By Jake Smith  |  The Daily Caller News Foundation

The U.S. Army opened an investigation after a training course at a base in North Carolina depicted pro-life organizations as terrorists, according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The training class, held at Fort Liberty on Wednesday, featured a slide show listing the pro-life organizations National Right to Life and Operation Rescue as “terrorist organizations.”

The Army is now opening a probe and gathering evidence regarding the slide deck, which was created by a rogue garrison employee and not authorized for presentation use, the Army told the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), per documents obtained by the DCNF on Friday.

“Pro-life groups are not considered terrorist groups under Army policy. The slides are not Army standard slides under the Army Extremist policy,” the Army told the HASC, according to documents obtained by the DCNF. “The content in the picture and briefing are inconsistent with Army policies… The slides at issue will not be used again and will be replaced.”

The slideshow indicated that activities pro-life and “anti-abortion groups” engage in to promote their message include protesting, mass demonstrations, picketing and attempting to provide “counseling” outside crisis pregnancy centers, according to a photo of the slide show that circulated online this week.

Fort Liberty confirmed to the DCNF on Thursday that the course on Wednesday was aimed at providing “anti-terrorism” training to soldiers “manning access control points at Fort Liberty.”

The Army told the HASC that it couldn’t comment on why the slides were created and presented, but the investigation would aim to gather additional details, according to a copy of documents.

“This training was conducted by a general schedule employee. We are currently unable to comment concerning the intent of the slide’s creator, but an AR 15-6 investigation will be conducted to gather additional information regarding the slides,” the Army told the HASC.

The Army told the HASC that the slides were created at Fort Liberty but had “no information” as to whether they were used at other bases, according to a copy of documents. The slides were shown to approximately 47 soldiers during the training course on Wednesday.

“Even if this slide deck was unapproved, it still exposes the Biden Pentagon for creating a politicized environment where far-left wack jobs feel they can get away with teaching our troops that conservative Americans are their adversary and legitimate military targets. We are in dangerous territory,” Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks told the DCNF on Thursday.

The Pentagon under the Biden administration and branches of the military have embraced several left-wing policies, including diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, the promotion of LBGTQ ideology and abortion rights. A current DOD policy announced in 2022 allows servicemembers to be reimbursed for costs if they travel out of state for an abortion.

“UPDATE: Despite Fort Liberty’s claims that the slide calling pro-life organizations terrorist groups was unapproved, it’s been a part of training for military police and ACP for years.

The video linked below uses the same slide posted here yesterday, yet the video was posted on June 9, 2023.

According to an anonymous source in Fort Liberty’s Provost Marshall, the slide was made in the mid 2000’s by DES and briefed for the ACP mission (same thing it was briefed for yesterday).

This explains why the National Right to Life logo is old and was called out in NRL’s official response (see pic).

The army has identified these organizations as terror groups for AT LEAST a year (likely longer according to the unsubstantiated source in the Provost Marshall), and it’s been used to train actual law enforcement according to the video. “

Army Briefing Lists Pro-Life Groups as Terrorist Organizations

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