Army Woke Agenda

Army Briefing Lists Pro-Life Groups as Terrorist Organizations

Military watchdog journalist Sam Shoemate posted on his X account (@samosaur) on 10 July:

“An anti-terrorism brief was held on Fort Liberty (Bragg) today where they listed several Pro-Life organizations as “terrorist organizations.”

The slide you see here followed right after a slide about ISIS, a terror group in the Middle East.

The organizations labeled by the army as terror organizations include National Right to Life and Operation Rescue.

They also included a screenshot of a license plate with “IM4IT,” which is a plate many Pro-Life citizens put on their car which implies normal citizens are terrorists if they display this plate.

The slide goes on to mention activities which these organizations participate in which include being Pro-Life, opposing Row v Wade, demonstrating and protesting (a 1st Amendment protected right), “Truth Displays,” and picketing.

They also falsely attribute the bombing of abortion clinics to National Right to Life.

Keep in mind they’re not labeling them as extremist organizations (which would still be crazy), but as terrorist organizations.

The military and Dept of Defense are insanely out of control. Service-members are being indoctrinated to view Pro-Life groups as the enemy.”

Click to enlarge:

“I am an Army Antiterrorism Officer (ATO) at a different installation. And according to my counterparts at Ft. Liberty, I’m not only an ATO, I’m also a domestic terrorist. Because you will get no more Pro Life than me. I believe in zero exceptions, and you’ll find me praising the overturning of Roe and Dobbs all over my feed.

While Ft. Liberty is a much bigger installation, and under a different command, I call tell you that this is not what is being sent out to the Army enterprise wide.

However, with that said, in 2023, during our annual symposium, there was a lot of focus on right-wing groups. This year, the focus was on cyber and infrastructure issues.

Make no mistake, the DoD has moved left, but I am seeing pushback, including groups that are suing Austin for about mandates. Unfortunately, this kind of thinking isn’t rare, but I can assure you, you’ll never see this trash in one of my briefings.”


“On my last day in the military I was forced to attend a class. The class was called “Avoiding the White Gentlemans Club”. I sat for about an hour and listened to the speaker constantly insinuate that most success from the white people in the room was ill-gotten. Then the focus shifted to “leveling the playing field”. While walking back to the barracks with my roomate (of color) he stated that it made him feel extremely comfortable. He also recieved bonus promotion points over me based on skin color. Though I would never hold something like that against a friend, you can imagine the collective divisiveness this causes within our ranks. Most of our dumb European counterparts don’t even have armies this woke. That was 13 years ago. I can’t imagine our current state affairs…”

Army Officials: Briefing Slide Featuring Pro-Life Group as Terrorists Was ‘Not Vetted’ and Will No Longer Be Used (Breitbart)

. . . . House Armed Services Military Personnel Subcommittee Chairman Jim Banks (R-IN) called the incident a “national outrage.”

“Instead of defending us from foreign terrorists, Joe Biden’s Pentagon is attacking pro-life Americans as a domestic terror threat. Even if this slide deck was unapproved, it still exposes the Biden DoD for creating a politicized environment where far-left whack jobs feel they can get away with teaching our troops that conservative Americans are their adversary and legitimate military targets. We are in dangerous territory,” he said.

The soldier who blew the whistle on the slide did not want to be identified publicly, but said in a statement to Breitbart News:

“This incident is, in itself, not of particular note. Briefings like this have been happening for years, especially post-Covid. Those that were in the armed services following January 6th will remember all too well the ‘extremism stand down’ and how we were encouraged to keep eyes on our colleagues who lean right.

“The military has always been political, but it has always been understood that these things were handled by general officers and politicians directly, rarely affecting or even being brought to the attention of the common enlisted. In the current era it is nothing but business as usual to be told that advocating for your morals and values puts you in line with those who wish to see our nation destroyed.

“To the service members still in, do not be cowards, Christ demands action, we all swore an oath to protect and defend The Constitution of these United States. Advocate for the men and women you serve with, pray for the unborn, and fight for what is right. Ave Christus Rex!” the soldier concluded. . . . .

Response from Fort “Liberty”


It came to our attention that an anti-terrorism slide was posted on social media –

After conducting a commander’s inquiry, we determined that the slides presented on social media were not vetted by the appropriate approval authorities, and do not reflect the views of the XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Liberty, the U.S. Army or the Department of Defense.

The slides were developed by a local garrison employee to train Soldiers manning access control points at Fort Liberty.

These slides will no longer be used, and all future training products will be reviewed to ensure they align with the current DoD anti-terrorism guidance.

3rd Special Forces Group-Airborne8th Psychological Operations Group – Airborne4th Psychological Operations Group – AirborneU.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School95th Civil Affairs BrigadeU.S. Army Special Operations Command82nd Airborne DivisionXVIII Airborne Corps1st Special Forces Command – AirborneFort Liberty ExchangeFort Liberty Family and MWRFort Liberty Army Community Service – ACS”

Response from American citizens:

US Army Base Holds Training Class Calling Pro-Life Orgs ‘Terrorist Groups’ (Daily Caller)

“UPDATE: Despite Fort Liberty’s claims that the slide calling pro-life organizations terrorist groups was unapproved, it’s been a part of training for military police and ACP for years.

The video linked below uses the same slide posted here yesterday, yet the video was posted on June 9, 2023.

According to an anonymous source in Fort Liberty’s Provost Marshall, the slide was made in the mid 2000’s by DES and briefed for the ACP mission (same thing it was briefed for yesterday).

This explains why the National Right to Life logo is old and was called out in NRL’s official response (see pic).

The army has identified these organizations as terror groups for AT LEAST a year (likely longer according to the unsubstantiated source in the Provost Marshall), and it’s been used to train actual law enforcement according to the video. “

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