Army Woke Agenda

The Army’s Recruiting Problem Is Male

More blaming men and conservatives instead of the miserable woke agenda push in the military that has done everything it can to marginalize and push out men.

From The issue is convincing men to put on the uniform.

A decade of declining recruitment numbers for the Army is almost entirely attributable to a significant drop in male recruiting as female enlistments have remained relatively flat, internal service data reviewed by shows.

Since 2013, male enlistments have dropped 35%, going from 58,000 men enlisting in 2013 to 37,700 in 2023, according to the service data. Meanwhile, female recruitment has hovered around 10,000 recruits each year.

The stark numbers paint a clear picture of a significant source of the military’s recruiting struggles, with the Army making up the lion’s share of the entire force and thus needing the greatest volume of new enlistments every year. Those shortfalls have contributed to the service overworking its force, something its senior leadership has conceded is a significant problem.

The Army came up 10,000 soldiers short of its goal of bringing in 65,000 new active-duty troops last year. In 2022, it missed a goal of 60,000 soldiers by 15,000. Those shortfalls were consistent with the decline in recruiting among men. This year, the service reduced its goal — seeking 55,000 new recruits.

The demographic data traces the military’s recruiting struggles with the decline spanning the leadership of presidents from both major parties with vastly different public stances on military culture.

Critics have argued that the problem is tied to changes in military policy, including nonspecific claims that the military has become “woke.” But experts described broader issues with men becoming less engaged in American society and less likely to enroll and graduate from college, more likely to die by suicide or drug overdose, and slowly disappearing from the general workforce.

The sharp drop in the mid-2010s of men’s participation in the workforce, education and military service is part of what some experts call a national “crisis of masculinity” with complex causes. . . . (read more on\

Army Sees Sharp Decline in White Recruits

Evidence that the DEI/CRT agenda in the military DOES hurt recruiting and retention

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