Air Force Woke Agenda

On the brink of war but Tinker Air Force Base celebrates National Coming Out Day

The world’s on fire and on the brink of war but Tinker Air Force Base thought it would be a good idea to post a tweet about an event at the Base Exchange celebrating “National Coming Out Day” on October 11.

The public was not amused.

Comments on the tweet:

“Utterly despicable. The US AIR FORCE shouldn’t be involved in pushing sexual orientations or gender ideology. Teach those under your command to keep their sexuality to themselves and on a “need to know” basis for other consenting adults, not flaunting it in public. WHY ARE OUR TAX DOLLARS PAYING FOR THIS?”

“Clearest evidence yet that our armed forces are compromised. The question is, compromised by whom?”

“We are about to go to war let’s concentrate on that.”

“Everyone responsible needs to fired.”

“That’s B.S. Tinker doesn’t have more important things to do than this?”

“Military is a f—-ing joke other countries are laughing at this!! Unacceptable to be embracing this garbage 😡

“How about you come out with some new AWACS platforms instead?”

“Wtf! Tearing down our military on purpose is Treason. Have your commanding officers ready for those charges next year. Weak ass brass makes for a weak ass force.”

“So I hope this is a private organization, I’d hate for DOD money to be used to support this event since 1. It’s not June and 2. Dod said in June 2024 that such events are not approved or appropriate used of military funds!!!”

“How many more freaking days and celebrations do these fragile perma-victims need? And, honestly, we’re on the brink of a damn war and THIS is your priority? WTF?”

“I used to be proud of TAFB. Not anymore.”

“What are you doing?? Just protect the country and stop pushing agendas!”

“What does a person’s love interest have to do with their job?”

“This should not be posted by military of the U.S.”

“This is why I encourage every single young person I meet…to go to trade school, because the military is a slobbering, woke, effeminate, neutered POS.”

“Can the apocalypse happen already? The government is useless, and so is the military at this point. Woke and a complete joke.”

“@tinkerteam you should read your comments. America is sick of this. Do your job, which is to be a fighting force for America. Not feminizing men. SHAME!!!”

“You make me ashamed to be a Veteran & Oklahoman. Stop this nonsense.”

“Really? Stop being concerned with sexual orientation. Train the men and women of USAF to be ready for the next conflict!”

“What is wrong with you? This is the United States Air Force we don’t care about your sexual preferences.”

“This is absolutely atrocious! This is exactly why the entire world is looking at our country and laughing. This is a military not a safe space.”

“Can we just not. Most normal people are tired of this. We don’t care about anyone’s sexuality keep that BS to yourself. It definitely doesn’t belong in the military, and now “coming out day” as a whole ass day. Stupid.”

“TAFB? What are you doing ? Focus on the mission instead of this nonsense.”

“You are a f—ing embarrassment to us DD214 holders….”

“y’all are embarrassing Oklahoma – why is the military talking about sexual identity let alone having an event for it?! weird and woke.”

“Here’s an idea, maybe focus on, I don’t know, protecting America. Just a thought.”

“Gonna make me come out as an unhappy patriot who dislikes our military going gay. Your preference for what you like to stick in you or into other consenting adults is irrelevant to being able to kill and/or destroy. Which is the purpose of a military.”

“What does the privacy of your bedroom have to do with protecting a nation??? Also, why are our recruitment numbers so low?”

“This demographic of our population gets an entire month to “celebrate.” Now this. And our military has apparently taken on the role of social activists. What next?”

“Is Tinker Air Force Base a military installation or Twinker Air Force Base a social club for the Alphabet people? It is little wonder the U.S. military is ill-prepared for any form of kinetic warfare.”

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