Marxism STARRS Authors

General: Why we call this problem “Marxism”

Introduction by STARRS Chairman Lt General Rod Bishop, USAF ret

All: Please read the below article if you haven’t read it already. It is the best “one article” summary of the history behind what is happening to our country that I have read in the last four years of “being in the arena”, trying to save our military from the social justice wars our nation is experiencing and to get it to remain (or return to being) apolitical, focused on merit and readiness and its mission to win our nation’s wars if deterrence fails.

Although the author argues for creating “new institutions,” I think most Americans would agree with what Pete Hegseth writes in his new book: “The War on Warriors (Behind the Betrayal of The Men Who Keep Us Free)” –i.e.: “We only have one military.” (And if we lose that one—we’re done.)

The rest of the article is a great history lesson of how we got where we are.

This article has been on the STARRS website for over a year and has been listed as “A Lecture Everyone Should Know on the right sidebar Quick Resources box as highly recommended reading.

When I read it, I thought of a friend’s comment to me about “calling what is happening ‘Marxist’ is a turn off” (or words to that effect). Others have told me “this is political BS.”

The below article explains very well why STARRS refers to this challenge as “Marxist-based.” Only because it is—we are simply calling a spade a spade.

This history is exactly what our Service Academies need to be teaching their cadets—not making the “abnormal” “normal” through celebrations like “Pride Month” or teaching them to be “color conscious” instead of “color blind” or offering free luncheons to the first 50 cadets who show up for a lecture on transgenders.

Identity group politics do not build unity and cohesiveness. they create resentment. The lessons should be “one team one fight,” “we all bleed red,” “one team, no seam” etc.

The goal to “change the culture” is exactly what cadets I sponsored in the 20teens told me was occurring. Quote from one: “The culture is changing underneath my feet.”

We would like to think that most Americans—citizens of a country which sacrificed 95,000 precious American lives and spent $$$Ts of our national treasure fighting against this same ideology in Korea, Vietnam and the cold war—would not allow this “Marxist march through out institutions” to occur if they only understood what was happening.

Note the words “conceal” and “psychological conditioning” in the article.

As a retired 4-star friend has said to me, “half of America has been bamboozled.” It is so insidious a movement.

VR, Rod


A Lecture Everyone Should Know


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