Books STARRS Authors Woke Agenda

BOOK REVIEW: “The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart”

By Lt Col Eric M. Vogel, USAF ret, USAFA ’73 

“The white race is the cancer of human history.” —Susan Sontag, Partisan Review (1967)

So begins Jeremy Carl’s bold and radically countercultural The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart.

Sontag—critic, writer, and activist—presciently described the dominant American racial creed of the current decade. Ironically, she was a member of the white race, and died of cancer. She may have learned some Leftist lessons from a temporary boarder in her home: Herbert Marcuse.

Carl, senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, is a graduate of Yale University and the Kennedy School of Government. He is also a former Deputy Assistant of the Interior, where he experienced, firsthand, anti-white racism: Congressman Raul Grijalva, then chair of the House Natural Resources Committee criticized his hiring, labeling him as “an avowed White nationalist.”

The author’s purpose in writing is clearly stated in the introduction and supported with incisive argument in every chapter: “White Americans and ‘whiteness’ are stigmatized in the service of justifying blatant racial discrimination.” As preposterous as it may sound, the truth is that “White Americans [are] increasingly second-class citizens in a country their ancestors founded.”

Carl makes masterful use of parrhesia, which he describes as “speaking the truth candidly for the common good, even at personal risk—a danger of taking on a highly charged subject…”

We are accompanied by the author on another “Long March through the institutions,” a journey so brilliantly analyzed by Christopher Rufo in America’s Cultural Revolution. Rufo described the takeover of institutions by the New Left; Carl focuses on a fundamental outcome: anti-white racism.

And it is hidden in plain sight.

While Americans have imbued the “Diversity Mantra” with sacredness, Carl detests the accompanying “anti-white discrimination, unfettered immigration, and the declining focus on cultural assimilation.”

For Carl, the three pillars of current anti-white civil rights law are: “Affirmative Action; Disparate Impact; and the removal of free association.”

He agrees with Christopher Caldwell, his colleague at the Claremont Institute, that there are two Constitutions; the original of 1789, and the “Constitution of 1964,” a consequence of the Civil Rights Act. Although the latter may have been “well-intentioned,” it has resulted in an ever-growing governmental bureaucracy, accompanied by excessive (and often misdirected) rules, regulations, policies and reforms.

Regarding crime and claims of unfair punishment in America, we must understand that “Virtually everything that is said in the media and Hollywood about race and crime is incorrect and usually is the exact opposite of the truth.” Statistics belie many of the mainstream narratives regarding hate crimes and the categorization of victims and criminals by race.

The Left condemned white flight as prejudice in action; actually, this movement resulted from an increase in crime and a desire for larger homes. Progressives themselves were part of this trend, as were a good number of Black families. And yet the return of whites as part of gentrification, improving neighborhoods, is also condemned by the Left.

In schools, CRT dominates, to the detriment of classical learning and thinking. Standardized tests are attacked and removed; they are deemed racist. Many Whites (and certainly Asians) then lose out on this measure of merit.

Following guidance from the federal government, equity in school suspension rates is now a goal. As a result, many troublemakers, inequitably, go unpunished. This practice reminds one of the more dangerous policy of “proportional outcomes” in the release of criminals from prison.

History is being erased. Even statues of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Christopher Columbus—all white men—have been removed or defaced. Meanwhile, the city of Elizabeth, New Jersey is planning to erect a statue of African-American Marsha P. Johnson, a “violent, mentally ill, transgender sex worker.”

We’ve been brainwashed by immigration arguments, accepting the insanity of giving illegal immigrants “legal preference in employment, education, and a host of other areas.” These policies move the country to the left and lead to anti-white attitudes.

For Carl, we must become a country of Americans, all assimilated and unified into a majority culture.

The entertainment industry has been completely corrupted. “It’s all about ‘ BIPOC’ hiring.” There are quota requirements for Oscar nominations, demands to end blind auditions for symphony musicians, and an unwritten rule that white authors should not write fiction based on non-white characters.

A thoughtful analysis of films such as Get Out and Black Panther finds subtle (and not so subtle) anti-white themes. Have you noticed a lack of white couples in TV ads? Commercials focus on mixed-race couples, completely out of proportion to real life, in order to foster “multiculturalism and diversity ideology.”

Environmental NGOs have become predominantly anti-white, assigning responsibility for climate change to whites. The BBC claims that “climate change is inherently racist.” Meanwhile, a high-ranking UN official stated that “we cannot address climate change without also addressing systemic racism, colonialism and slavery.”

Big Business and Big Tech are bastions of “Big Discrimination.” Race-based hiring dominates employment policies, most likely in violation of federal law. Who cares?

In 2021, the increase of employees in 88 S&P companies (over 300,000 jobs) consisted of 94% ethnic minorities, with 6% going to whites. No matter: both Scott Myers-Lipton of San Jose State (and its Human Rights Institute) and California State Assemblyman Ash Kalra still find white supremacy as a “driving ideology in Silicon Valley.”

Anti-white racism has even grown in the health sectors of our economy and culture. White Supremacy is condemned as the cause of disparities in “health outcomes.” The prestigious Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston promotes “preferential care based on race.”

The MCAT, “steeped in a history of racism and white supremacy,” is being deemphasized in medical school admissions. Increasingly, proposed articles without a minority co-author are less likely to be accepted for medical journals. Likewise, research grants are administered with race in mind.

American religions have also succumbed to the “long march.” Many leading denominations, in taking up the cause of anti-racism in training, policy and preaching, fall in line with the dominant culture and address systemic racism and anti-whiteness in their doctrines.

Meanwhile, “people are staying away in droves.” Carl cites Voddie Baucham’s Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe in finding CRT and wokeness as primary drivers of anti-whiteness and the deterioration of the Gospel message.

The chapter “Apocalypse Now: The Anti-White Military” will be of great interest to readers from STARRS.

Despite the history of the U.S. Military taking a lead in integration in America, today’s Department of Defense is rife with military and civilian leadership who find the services in desperate need of DEI reform.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General C. Q. Brown, as Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force, pushed for quotas for pilots and the officer corps as a whole. Supposedly, “a soldier must see a leader who looks like him to strive for excellence.”

Only 2% of Navy Seals and 1% of Marine Special Operators “were black as of 2015”; clearly, this is not the result of prejudice, but of ability.

When, in the name of diversity, the Army ignored warning signs of a dangerous situation, Major Nidal Hasan murdered 13 fellow soldiers and injured over 30 at Fort Hood (now Fort Cavazos).

(For further reading on the topic of today’s military, see

In “The End Game: Reparations and Expropriation,” Carl warns readers of upcoming threats. He contends that an “intellectual and cultural environment” is being established in the U.S. “to justify the expropriation of land, property and other wealth from whites…while instituting a permanent regime…of legal discrimination.”

Does this sound far-fetched? See “Economic Suicide: Biden Administration Justifies Tax Hike Based on Racial Criteria.” (The Daily Caller, April 30, 2024)

How can we push back against anti-white racism?

Carl offers both general ideas and specific policy actions. Among them, we should:

  • Hold Black Political Leaders and White “Progressives” Accountable for Anti-White Policies and Rhetoric;
  • Speak Out and Create a Preference Cascade against Anti-White Discrimination;
  • Implement Net-Zero Immigration;
  • Eliminate Affirmative Action Everywhere; and
  • Eliminate DEI bureaucracies.

This courageous book offers demonstrable support for the reality of anti-white racism in America.

It is a wake-up call to the deepening wounds of our nation’s inability to deal honestly with race, and pairs well with Heather Mac Donald’s When Race Trumps Merit.

Shelby Steele’s White Guilt also compliments Carl’s thoughts, particularly the point that “white ‘progressives’ [are] the most powerful and most uniquely toxic group in American society.”

Carl begins The Unprotected Class with a disturbing Sonntag quote, but in “Finding Our Way Home,” the final chapter, he offers a stark contrast:

“You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end−which you can never afford to lose−with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”—Admiral James Stockdale on the seven and a half years he spent as a Vietnam POW

Make your decision, America: shall we be a nation of Sonntags−or Stockdales?

The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart

“In a country where being racist is the ultimate sin, how has our ruling class gotten away with attacking the majority of Americans on the basis of their race? And what exactly is the purpose of anti-white hate? The answer is scary, and this outstanding book explains.”—Tucker Carlson

“A prescient, landmark book that finally calls out those who for far too long have claimed victimhood even as they fueled a toxic brand of tribal chauvinism.”Victor Davis Hanson, Senior Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and author of The Dying Citizen  

“Jeremy Carl bravely exposes, documents, and names the racialist ideology that is tearing America apart…A must-read as America enters a pivotal phase of the Culture War.”—Christopher Rufo, Senior Fellow, the Manhattan Institute, and author of America’s Cultural Revolution 

“A stunning work of exceedingly rare bravery, and indeed of patriotism. Jeremy Carl tells urgent truths that until now, few if any intellectuals of his stature have had the courage to say.”Rod Dreher, author of Live Not by Lies 

“There is a pathological war on white people in America. It’s time decent people wake up and fight against it. Read this book to figure out how.”Charlie Kirk, Founder and President, Turning Point USA 

“There are few greater taboos in public discourse than using the word ‘white’ non-pejoratively. Jeremy Carl explains this taboo—and breaks it, in the hope of saving the U.S. from a future of ever-worsening race relations.”Heather Mac Donald, author of When Race Trumps Merit 

“an important new book on a topic of great interest” Dinesh D’Souza

“It’s an extraordinary book and everybody ought to read it” Steve Bannon

“An amazing book . . . if you want to understand what’s going on, go get yourself a copy of this book” Jack Posobiec

“What a great book! The Unprotected Class demolishes the false narratives about race that have captured many American institutions and provides essential intellectual ammunition to refute such lies.”Peter Kirsanow, Commissioner, United States Commission on Civil Rights

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