DOD Woke Agenda

Trump Pledges New Task Force To Gut DEI Racism From The U.S. Military

By Shawn Fleetwood  |  The Federalist

On Friday, President Donald Trump agreed to create a new task force aimed at keeping neo-Marxist ideology out of the U.S. military if he is elected this November.

The moment came during an on-stage exchange with Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier at the former president’s town hall in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The Space Force veteran was fired from the service in May 2021 after publicly discussing the increasing presence of DEI racism throughout the armed forces.

Gen. Stephen Whiting — who reportedly played a role in Lohmeier’s dismissal — has since been promoted to lead U.S. Space Force Command by President Joe Biden. Whiting has a history of using his position to advance DEI throughout the service, as The Federalist previously reported.

Speaking with Trump during Friday’s townhall, Lohmeier thanked the GOP presidential nominee for promising to fire “woke generals” in the military and asked if he would consider “establishing a special task force, office, or position to ensure” DEI and other neo-Marxist ideologies “never return to the Defense Department.”

“You know what I’ll do? … I’m gonna put you on that task force,” Trump responded.

As I previously wrote in these pages, a recently published report by the Claremont Institute’s Will Thibeau found that the U.S. military’s “embrace of radical left-wing orthodoxy is hampering its overall readiness and ability to respond to an increasingly volatile geopolitical environment.” These policies have further contributed to the service’s inability to recruit the talent necessary to fill existing roles and effectively carry out missions.

During Friday’s town hall, Trump also pledged to revert the name of the Fayetteville-based Army installation known as Fort Liberty back to Fort Bragg. The base’s name was changed after Congress passed legislation in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death authorizing the Pentagon to create a commission to rename military bases named after Confederate figures.

Trump vetoed the bill but was overridden by Congress.

Fort Liberty has enjoyed national media attention after it was recently discovered that the base has been classifying pro-life organizations as “terrorist groups” in briefing materials provided to roughly 9,100 soldiers over the past seven years. While Army officials claim the materials have since been removed, they have declined to say whether the individual responsible for their authorization has or will face disciplinary punishment, according to the Military Times.

Shawn Fleetwood is a staff writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He previously served as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

First published on The Federalist

At NC Town Hall, Matt Lohmeier asks President Trump to remove divisive DEI from the military

Reaction to STARRS Exec VP Matt Lohmeier being part of a task force to remove the divisive DEI ideology/agenda from the military:

“This is what our Active Duty and Reserves Military has needed for many years, since the 90’s. I’m a veteran of 20 yrs, 2 branches, active and guardsman, disabled, I know firsthand how demoralizing and frustrating this is for anyone in the military and their families.”

“Awesome, Matthew!!! We must win so that you can head the task force to combat Marxism/Communism in our military!”–Xi Van Fleet, author of

“I saw this yesterday Matt, & my eyes teared up & my heart filled at the genuine interaction between you both at that moment! From our family with Military service active and retired & in Heaven, WE Thank You!”

“We’re so proud of you! Thank you for all you’ve been doing and all you will do to bring honor, truth, fitness and fairness back to our greatly loved and appreciated military.”

“I’m an AF veteran & work DoD for SF and it’s all over the place. They promote it above the mission. We are beholden to whatever woke policies the DoD demands, just like mandating the jab. I’m sick of it and have refused to participate. My job is the mission. PERIOD.”

“You’ve got this and are the man needed for this hour in our history.”

“My son will be happy with the DEI out of the military.”

“I live around Eglin AFB. I’ve been here since ’76, and have been connected to military personnel even after my dad and sister retired. They are everywhere with all the bases around Eglin. There is a STINK in the air. Troops are disheartened and disgusted. They need your help.”

“This offer from President Trump to put you on this Task Force has sparked hope for a LOT of patriotic Americans who love our country. Could not have picked a more honorable man for the job!”

“They are gutting our military with this DEI propaganda Marxism.”

“Just retired last month. I wish I could have saved some training ppt. As soon as survived the unlawful mandate, I started the process to get out and avoid this LGTB training. It’s happening as I’m typing this. I hope the current service members speak out.”

“A glimmer of hope is right. And it’s getting brighter and brighter every day.”

“Fix the US military sir. Make it the world’s best fighting force once again.”

“As the mom of an Air Force officer, I love hearing this. Thank you for your continued service.”

“This must extend to any and all contract vendors seeking to do business with the USG!!! It is every bit as bad there too. So in effect, defense contractors are being forced to take this stuff from the USG and from their companies as well!”

“Congratulations, I’m excited to see the changes you can make. I decided to get out when my values no longer aligned with the top brass. I’m glad I did but feel bad for the people who stayed in and have had to endure all this woke nonsense.”

“I am so excited to see you work. I felt a great weight release when Trump offered you a position for change. You’re going to do amazing work to our Military.”

“I have to take 5 hours of DEI training every year. My takeaway is do not promote or higher straight white men.”

“I myself am a vet, working at a V-linked transition home for other veterans. Most have been out for at least a decade but our common consensus is that we can’t believe what the hell has happened to our military. We are dismayed, to say the least.”

“Man, I’m glad my husband retired before all of this crap took ahold deeply in our military. No wonder he said he would be OK retiring as an LTC. He would have made an amazing general, but he would not have been on board with this. We have got to get back to our roots.”

“Yes yes and yes! My son is a Marine, just finished TBS and starting his MOS. When he first told me he had chosen this path I was like ugh based on the political climate of the DOD, but now I am very hopeful.”

“I don’t want anything injected, no trans rainbow mafia, just merit and an opportunity to serve.”

“Yes! Accountability and love for this country. I don’t care if that sounds mushy. I want a military that loves this country and is proud to serve.”

“So grateful excited for our military personnel to get finally have someone who represents and supports them. They haven’t had that and it’s heartbreaking. Our military, past, present and future deserve so much more than they’ve received.”

“Make it even better!! I’m retired AF and can’t believe how they have destroyed our military!”

“I hope so. My son is 18 and wanting to join the marine corps. He is waiting until the election to see if accountability is restored.”

“As a Marine, I want our military to be Lethal, Loyal, Highly trained and willing to pack heaven with lots of fresh souls. This social engineering bullshit needs to go, the only thing our military needs is strong leadership & a strong fighting spirit, everything else is gravy.”

“BIG job to undo the woke brainwashing. Praying for you, big guy!”

“My 17 year old loves everything military but won’t go in under this admin. He also see’s how his relatives that served are treated as veterans.”

“Can’t get better than this to clean out the military!!”

“I pray you get the chance🙏🏻my dad was in the military and I think he would not be proud of the direction it is headed. God bless our troop.”

“That these kids are acting so quickly to contact you and have such faith in Trump shows you how desperate the situation is, Matt. I know what we hear from our own son in uniform.”

Task Force to Rid DOD of the DEI Industry and Agenda

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