STARRS Authors

The Late, Great United States of America

By Capt. Brent Ramsey, US Navy ret
STARRS Board of Advisors

All the signs were there, but most Americans did not notice them. They were too busy with their lives, much more important than some theoretical threat from halfway around the world.

The reasons for the lack of attention are many. Some were too young to know, some too old to care.

Many were overwhelmed with responsibilities — jobs, family, making ends meet, or even survival.

Others were addicted to entertaining themselves and could not be bothered with such things.

Many more were disconnected, not interested, ignorant of anything not right in front of them, and dropouts from the larger society.

Millions were students supposedly learning how to be adults but, in this age, what they were learning about history and politics was mostly fiction and not really true history nor representative of what is actually going on in the world.

Little about a threat to America from her enemies was mentioned.

Largely ignored was an enemy who, for decades, had been preparing for our demise, preparing to become the leader of the no longer free world.

Those in the prime of life were in the rat race, the race for success or the race for survival for themselves and their families.

Only a few were aware of what was coming, but most of them, not knowing how to deal with it, mostly kept it to themselves and just tried to prepare as best they could.

This lack of awareness or concern for what was happening overseas was evident in polls that tested what Americans were concerned about.

According to the Pew Research Center, the top concerns as of May 2024 were:

The threat from China does not even make the list.

With a citizenry of over 300 million (excluding those who were not legally allowed to be in our country), only a few million people were engaged in being aware of what possibly faced America in just a little while.

Most of these were the 2.4 million in our Armed Forces, who, at least theoretically, were training and preparing to defend us from threats from abroad.

Many more government members knew the threat was building, but few had real power or authority to ramp up priorities and assert influence to better prepare for war.

So, America went on, Congress mostly ignored China, and it was business as usual while our enemy, the People’s Republic of China (PRC), continued with its decades-long plan to become strong enough to challenge America and win.

Meanwhile, in China, what was happening? How was its 100-year plan coming along?

Let’s study what’s really been going on with China while America was asleep at the switch. In a series of articles to follow, China’s inexorable march toward power and control and the threat posed to America and our very way of life will be analyzed in detail. Topics include:

What does the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission say about China? Congress was aware of China’s rise as early as 2000, when it formed this commission to study the threat. Too bad virtually no one listens.

What has the PRC said of its own intentions to rule the world and replace us as the number one power?

Why does China own huge plots of land in the U.S. — many near U.S. military installations? Why does China own portions of the agriculture industry in the U.S.?

Why have hundreds of thousands of male, military-age illegals entered the U.S. since Joe Biden has been president? Who are they, where are they now, and what are they doing in our country? Thousands more come each month.

Why is China developing biological weapons? It is now well established that the Wuhan lab engineered viruses to kill people. COVID is just one example. And the U.S. was complicit in this activity. There was even an illegal Chinese biolab in the U.S. right under our noses.

What is the United Front Work Department, and what is it doing to gather information on U.S. citizens?

How much of the U.S. stock market is owned by China, and why does the U.S. permit the Chinese to own billions of dollars’ worth of stocks when that ownership could be used as a weapon to bring down our stock market?

Why has China cornered the market on rare earths, and what are the implications of its monopoly over those commodities for the U.S. and the rest of the free world?

What investments in high technology has China made, and why has the U.S. ceded the field to China? According to a leading Australian think tank, China leads the world in 37 out of 45 technology fields.

Why has China bought control over ports and waterways worldwide, and what does that mean for the global economy, especially in times of war?

What is the Belt and Road Initiative, and how does it tilt the scales worldwide toward China and against the U.S. and our allies?

How did China achieve world leadership in hypersonic weapons, and what are the implications of that leadership in times of war?

China leads the world in Quantum Computing and Quantum Communications. What are the implications of that leadership on the future of warfare and communications?

Why has China invested so much, so fast, in space and space weaponry and anti-satellite satellites, and what does that mean for U.S. defenses?

What is Made in China 2025, and why should the U.S. be worried about it?

How has China gained such influence in international bodies such as the UN, WTO, and other world governing bodies, and how does that impact the U.S.‘s ability to check its global ambitions?

China controls the pharmaceutical market, and the rest of the world lags far behind in manufacturing. What are the implications of this in times of crisis?

Why has China built up its military forces to such an extent? The PRC now has the world’s largest Navy and has likewise strengthened every aspect of its military far beyond what would be needed for defense against potential regional rivals like Japan, the Philippines, Australia, South Korea, and Taiwan. What are China’s intentions?

Why has China militarized the South China Sea (SCS) in direct contravention of international law using the fiction of the Nine Dash Line to claim ownership of the entire SCS with its vast natural resources?

If war breaks out in the Pacific soon, can the U.S. win and defend Taiwan and our treaty allies in the region? Is the U.S. military strong enough and ready enough to defeat the PRC?


First published on The Patriot Post

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