DOD Woke Agenda

So, why are so few people signing up?

A company called Kite & Key Media that produces short explainer videos recently came out with a video on how joining and serving in the military can give a person “upward social mobility” in terms of finances, stability, etc.

In the video, they pondered the question why people are not signing up for the military. They got an earful in the comment sections on their social media platforms, some of which are posted below.

See: What Military Service Members, Veterans and Parents Are Saying: Evidence that the CRT/DEI/Woke agenda being pushed in the military is harming morale, recruitment and retention (pdf)

What People Are Saying

(from the comments on the social media platforms where this video was posted)

“I served. My Dad and Grandma served. Under Biden, my kids will never serve.”

“My dad served. I served. My children will not.”

“They went woke wasting millions of man hours on training for identity, sexuality, and proper pronouns. This has driven multigenerational military families away taking strong military leadership skills with them. Merit based promotions went away leading to weak leadership in strong positions.”

“Every person I know that was in the military quit due to a lack of meritocracy, which is extremely dangerous in real life.”

““Why are so few signing up?” Military service has been a family tradition for generations. My grandfather served, my father served, I served and my first son is currently serving. Previous generations of veterans encouraged their prodigy to continue the tradition, but for many of the reasons shared in this thread, veterans are no longer. My eldest was encouraged to join, but his four siblings were not. The mission of the US Military use to be to produce the MOST effective fighting force in defense of the country and her ideals. It is now about producing the most “diverse” and “inclusive”. The Russians, the Chinese, and terrorist organizations will not be defeated by proper pronoun usage. Unless or until we return to the original mission, and abandon its current one, my son may be the last to militarily serve this great nation.”

“20 year Vet. My brother and father both served. With Biden and the possibility of Kamala being President, there is no way in hell my son will join to fight their wars and take their CRT indoctrination nonsense.”

“Maybe it’s was those toxic mandated clot shots you tried forcing on them.”

“Or maybe it’s the woke crap the highest echelons are forcing on the young men and women who, like their forbearers, want to serve a great Nation.– 1stSgt USMC (Ret)”

“When politics & wokeness was being mandated into the military , this is a chief factor!!! Who wants to be subjected to this nonsense!!!!”

“I served 28 years, I’m glad I’m out now and not serving under this president, may be the same reason that good young people don’t want to serve today!”

“My nephew was career AF, MP/K9 instructor. 20 and loved it. Last 2 years were too nauseating to stay. He’s out.”

“Merit and ability are systematically being diminished in favor of D.E.I. Promotion. The traditional Judeo-Christian ethic that was essential to the Founding Fathers establishing our Constitutional Republic has been neglected by too many. Integrity is being undermined by greed for power and control over budgets…not only that, the social engineering of our youth. Masculinity demonized as toxic, radical ideology hostile towards traditional family values.”

“My kids will never serve for a DEI woke mind virus, intent on starting a new civil war.”

“Because it’s being destroyed from the inside by WOKE policies.”

“Veterans are not allowing/discouraging their kids to sign up. No way I would allow my sons to go fight in any war now.”

“Under this administration: forced woke-ism, forced experimental jab, pay so low that personnel are advised to apply for food stamps, and a general environment that repels traditionally patriotic Americans who would otherwise be eager to serve.”

“Would you want to sign up to a military where men wear skirts under a clueless administration that already got 13 killed and that is poised to go to war with Russia and China over minerals that Ukraine has? It has nothing to do with defending America.”

“Don’t forget about forced experimental injections.”

“The people who set policy in this country would never serve, the people who serve do not want to serve for a country that has broken their trust. So the policy setters need to convince their blue haired, face tattooed, nose pierced, transgender constituents to serve. We’re done.”

“When the military discouraged young masculine men to join by going DEI, they took “the best that we can be” out of the equation.”

“Ask the current members of the military why they can’t meet recruiting quotas, and you will be told a different story. The decisions from the top are putting those in service at risk, men/ women compromised by laxed woke policies.”

“My Gen Z kids know too many vets who have highly discouraged them to ever join, including their own grandfathers. There are too many senseless wars just to make politicians rich.”

“Wokeism! The Left ruins everything they touch.”

“I voluntarily served in a pre-DEI military. I would not join again under the present conditions.”

“It isn’t that we know so little, but rather we are learning so much. Why send our young to be maimed and killed for political lies? They are being forced into being used in medical experiments. Wokeness and DEI have taken over. Our veterans are not well cared for. Die for that?!”

“We revere the men and women who serve, but the bureaucrats, the brass at the top, and politicians are showing they don’t really care about veterans, or American values. There was a time I would have supported my son enlisting. Not anymore.”

“I’m a Vet and I wouldn’t sign up in this day and time.”

“Simple we do not trust our leaders anymore and we don’t recruit for ability any more.”

“So, my family are almost entirely military. Grandfather’s, Father, Uncles, Aunt, Stepfather, Brother, and even my husband. I had planned to join, but I had my sons instead. They won’t be serving!”

“The Vax mandate.”

“Served in the army for 23 yrs and loved it. Clinton downsized the military and paid me to retire early. Could not stand the military today.”

“They have gone woke…my family served also and I am proud of everyone who serves but….the military had changed.”

“Because they do not support the WOKE agenda and being forced to do things that are unamerican.”

“We cannot get the best of young our patriots to sign up when we have a weak, feckless leadership, DEI and Woke lax standards. My nephew is a cadet at West Point and my other nephew is in the Air Force.”

“I know someone in the military who is getting out after 10 years because of woke culture.”

“I have a military background and the last place ill encourage my children to go is the military to be used as a tool to fight some foreign war period. We don’t trust the people who run our government. Hope that is clear. Look at the last 20+years.”

“22 year vet… 5 tours…enlisted and officer… hell no my kids will serve.”

“i have twin sons…both former combat Marines…one did 9 months in Libya and almost a year in Kabul…their CO begged them to re enlist after their 4 years were up…they refused… because gays were allowed to serve in the Marine Corps by that time.”

“Veterans are encouraging their children and grandchildren not to sign up anymore because it has gone woke.”

“My family served but I would not let my son who wanted to go into the Army (respected branch) as I didn’t want him serving under Obama or Biden the two worse presidents ever for the first time I was afraid to have him or others enlist…sad.”

“Nah. It’s the leadership these days… my brother did 9 years of army nat guard and said nah, leadership ain’t worth it no more. I was gonna join, then decided not to.”

“The military has become a breeding ground for social experiments and wokeness.”

“Tell us over and over again how the military protects our freedoms from foreign threats. Meanwhile, our freedoms are being taken by politicians right here at home.”

“Imagine starting a career with an organization that you know up front you will not be promoted by merit but by the color of your skin or gender. Not hard to figure out.”

“I would have joined if they weren’t forcing the untested and now recalled jab.”

“Served my country well from 94-2000. My father. His father. All of the men in my family served our country. I forbid my children to serve an honorless government. I’ve taught them to serve their country by way of living in an excellent manner. They serve by being decent kind and good.”

“D.E.I., what non-protected class person with two active brain cells volunteer for this if he had any other options?”

“This report was fantastic except for the obvious, also controversial points it overlooks… How does DEI impact the warrior class/relatives of vets? How does the appearance of upper leadership incompetence impact recruitment? How do recruiters effectively respond to the challenges presented by the incessant global war on terror?”

“I’m a vet, then served in military sealift command at 60yrs old. Young people are taught to hate their country.”

“After serving 4 years in the USAF, I decided that Woke ism-Gayness was becoming too problematic for me to want to reenlist despite being offered $8,000.00 as a reenlistment bonus.”

“Because nobody worthwhile wants to enlist in a woke military!”

“With the current woke educations indoctrination system, along with a woke government, and a woke military, the military will continue to fall short of their enlistment/reenlistment annual goals. Given that America got to witness all those active duty service members that were kicked out of the military for not taking the poisonous JAB, what is the point of joining. This problem is all SELF-INFLICTED FROM THE TOP DOWN. So figure it out snow flakes, cause war is around the corner, so your only option on the table would be the DRAFT. America better brace themselves to what is coming down the pipe!!”

“The troops are supposed to follow their leaders. First, they need a leader which this country lacks!”

“I would say that covid and the unreasonable way all the military forced their people to get the jab or lose their job, must have a lot to do with it. I would not trust anyone that forced me to do crap against my will. This is not a communist country, no one wants to put themselves in that situation again.”

“Because an entire generation has been taught that America is evil and always wrong. Why would they fight for that?”

“Weak leadership not backing the troops, poor support from the federal government, mandatory covid shots, no real mission statement (God, honor, country), Wokeness, no individual thought, etc.”

“Who in their right mind would want the current political establishment to be calling the shots for military activity, that would involve them directly.”

“Read “The War on Warriors” and you’ll understand.”

“Just like most other ads for the military, they left out CRT, DEI, and other woke idiocy that this administration and the Obama administration has injected into the ranks, to include requirements for the top brass to go along with their programs. Also, a strong military needs a strong CIC, and Clinton, Obama, and Biden have been weak and they have only used the military as backdrops for political mumbo-jumbo.”

“Sad that it has come to this. My kids served with pride, grandson wanted to do the same, but the “new reality” had taken hold, so he opted out – at least for the present time.”

“I would have dropped everything to fight for my country. Biden changed that.”

Evidence that the DEI/CRT agenda in the military DOES hurt recruiting and retention

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