DACODAI DOD Open Letter STARRS Authors Woke Agenda

Letter from Chairman of the Board of STARRS to the Leader of DACODAI

Friends, family, supporters of STARRS, and especially cadets and parents of cadets, active duty service members, members of the media, fellow flag officers–I could go on describing the 200+ people on this email. Thank you all for the exchange of information and your inputs (especially the stories and testimonies so many of you have shared with us that show how our DoD has capitulated to the Marxist march through our institutions.)

No, they have not only capitulated, they have embraced this divisive ideology. How some can imagine, for even a second, that “treating people differently” (recommendation from the Commission advising DOD on “diversity and inclusion” ) would not create resentment when enacted is puzzling. We spent 200 years of our history trying to bury the practice and now we want to bring it back? “Blatant discrimination (and lowering of standards) has no place in building a strong and cohesive military” has been your message to us–I hope you see we are listening.

Below are three recent ways STARRS is attempting to be your voice (and amplify the thoughts and concerns you have expressed to us.)

Showing Its True Colors, Diversity of Thought is Clearly Not Included in the DOD’s Inclusivity Agenda
(Note what I am quoted in saying the focus should be–that is the bottom line)

Fox Host Pete Hegseth talks more about STARRS and the DEI Agenda push in the military
(Note the passion of the hosts–that is what we need in every American.)

(3) below email sent to the leader of the DOD organization (DACODAI) chartered to advise the SECDEF on “diversity and inclusion.”

Please “keep those cards and letters coming (and phone calls coming).” STARRS Contact Form

Working together and united we will defeat this Marxist invasion.

VR, Rod

Dear General Lyles,

I wanted to share with you what STARRS and our coalition partners did on Thursday morning when we were not allowed to attend the DACODAI public meeting in person “for unforeseen reasons.”

Two of three media events we were asked to be a part of are captured in our weekly newsletter below. (Note the gender and racial “diversity” of those appearing.) The third, a TV show a number of us were on, will be posted on our website soon as it just aired yesterday. Many more to follow.

DACODAI Special: TV Shows/Transcripts/Podcasts/Testimonies (STARRS Email Newsletter sent 4 May 2024) or see here.

Quite honestly, aside from seeing you again, given what we observed virtually at the Friday meeting, it is now clear why we were canceled from attending in person.

It appears, given the softball questions you and your committee asked of the briefers, that none of you read even one word from the 26 (+ 3 that are not posted) inputs you received. If you did, the input seemed completely ignored.

Given the way we were treated beforehand, it seems clear to many of us in the Military Readiness and Merit Coalition that you are just humoring us with your words about the importance of transparency and input from the public. Unfortunately your calls for public input and transparency just come across as disingenuous given all that has transpired over the last few weeks.

Relatedly, regarding your insistence that our military’s diversity and inclusion programs are not sacrificing merit, here is an article that was published just last week:

The Coast Guard Academy’s Newest DEI Push by Michael R. Shevock, USCG ’76

Please at least read in this article “Tragic Fact #4” from the Brookings Institute (not exactly a bastion of conservative thought.) It makes the point we made in our submission–relaying that message from our Black Board members.

A separate input from a Hispanic Board member is here: Statement to DACODAI – Rear Admiral William Rodriguez, US Navy ret

I never heard any of these valid concerns of not being able to get there from here without lowering standards or discriminating addressed on Friday at all–just a zombie-like focus on “increasing diversity” come hell or high water. The bureaucracy formed to “ride herd” on and track DEI efforts was particularly concerning to many.

The major point here again to emphasize–summarized:

You cannot possibly reach your stated goal of the % of minorities in the officer corps reflecting the % of minorities in the enlisted force without both engaging in unconstitutional discrimination and lowering standards.

You can say

“with no degradation of the importance of “merit / meritocracy,” others think we are de-emphasizing “merit.” That is absolutely NOT THE CASE!”

until the cows come home, as my mom used to say, but the way DOD has implemented your recommendations from the MLDC and will implement your recommendations from DACODAI is by lowering standards and unconstitutionally discriminating. Period. The evidence here is overwhelming.

The facts on the ground do NOT support your assertion above and I would argue, your bald assertion to the contrary—and your ignoring the facts—significantly impeaches your credibility.

Neither lowering standards nor discriminating (treating people differently as your MLDC recommended–which creates extraordinary divisiveness in the military (because of the resentment it causes) is good for our country or our national security! So why do we continue to try to plow this field?


1)–is rooted in Marxism (please tell us–if you do not think this ideology came from the Frankfurt School (previously known as the Marxist school) and the writings of the Marxists that moved that school from Nazi Germany in the 1930s and set up shop in Columbia University–still a hotbed of radical leftist thinking to this day–then where did it come from?)

2)—is intended to divide–just read the writings of those who created the ideology–it is all about “the revolution”

3)—as a tool of division is working–if you need any evidence here–please review the THOUSANDS OF INPUTS that are logged on our website at:

The evidence that these are true is overwhelming. It is also unarguable that Marxism in antithetical to our constitutional republic’s founding principles.

Why then, would we allow this ideology that is dividing our military (thrusting a knife into “unity” and “cohesiveness”) into our front door after we have sacrificed 95,000 lives and spent $T of our national treasure in Korea, Vietnam and the Cold War fighting it?

As Rachel Duffy says in this clip below–“why are we even having this discussion?”

More than 30 states have either passed or working on legislation to ban or limit DEI initiatives.

Corporations and universities, too, are walking away from the divisive ideology, as more and more discover its Marxist roots and are having to contend with the division it causes.

Map: See which states have introduced or passed anti-DEI bills

I realize you have made “Diversity and Inclusion” a focus of your post USAF career. And I believe with good intentions.

But now that the veil covering this Marxist infection has fallen away and we all plainly see the discord the ideology is causing (one just cannot deny the thousands of comments from those experiencing the “training” (indoctrination).

It would clearly be better for our military and our country if you would forward to SECDEF the recommendations STARRS has given you to focus on the root causes of disparity among different races.

We are doing our part, trying to help you with implementable recommendations, to please put an end to the divisive DOD DEI empire as, again, we receive overwhelming input from those serving–that DOD’s diversity and inclusion programs just are not working. Instead, they are tribalizing our warfighters, destroying unity, and weakening our culture of “one team, one fight.”

I would assume you have seen former SECDEF’s comments here: Former SECDEF: DEI Divides Us

The DEI ship is taking on water, General, or in Air Force parlance– an engine is on fire, smoke is in the cockpit and the nearest divert airfield is below landing minimums. Let’s join together and focus on making us all one–Americans (with no hyphen before or after that word) and save the ship, the airplane and our military now–before it is too late.



Lt Gen USAF (Ret)
Chairman of the Board
Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services, Inc

PS: Many of the 19 coalition members have provided input that DACODAI’s mission should be refocused on determining whether or not DEI is actually working instead of trying to find ways to be even more divisive. Your efforts to date just assume that it is working–ignoring that overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

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