Open Letter STARRS Authors Woke Agenda

Letter: DEI policies don’t belong in the military

Letter to the Editor of The Forum newspaper in Fargo-Moorhead. Write similar letters to your local newspapers!

By Edwin R. Jonas III
STARRS North Dakota State Leader

It is time for Americans to demand that diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies and practices are eradicated from our key institutions.

The words themselves sound noble of course, akin to tolerance, fairness, and accepting people who are different; but in practice they bring precisely the opposite.

In the Marxist tradition, DEI sows chaos by pitting people against each other based on race, gender and sexual identity.

It lowers standards and even punishes excellence to equalize outcomes. And it purposely excludes some groups and lowers standards in the name of inclusion.

While DEI policies are damaging to any organization, one could not identify an arena in which they would pose more harm to a country than in its military – where meritocracy, unity, excellence, and esprit de corps are essential for its very survival.

It is crushing our military readiness, morale, and recruiting. Our military is facing the most significant recruiting crisis half a century and are short by some 41,000 soldiers – largely because young people want no part of the new “woke” military.

Recently, Lt. Col. Phil Bail, USAF retired, penned a piece in which he described watching the awesome precision of Thunderbird pilots flying at 500 mph inches apart and described their secret:

“Blind trust comes from believing in the flying skills of the lead pilot, because he or she earned the position of lead pilot in an open competition among the best candidates in the Air Force, male or female regardless of ethnicity or sexual orientation.”

His point is that in the military, merit must reign supreme.

If private companies like Budweiser, Disney, or Microsoft see the damage of DEI policies, they have the latitude to correct course and be OK.

A war with an unprepared military may not provide a country with the same opportunity.

An organization called STARRS (Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services) is working hard to get all military forces to a readiness level of the Air Force Thunderbirds.

I suggest you look at their website, STARRS.US, and see how you can help.

Edwin R. Jonas III is the North Dakota state leader of STARRS (Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services).

Published in In Forum–Fargo-Moorehead newspaper

Published in Grand Forks Herald

Published in the Billings Gazette

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