Air Force Academy STARRS Authors Woke Agenda

Leadership and Combat

By Maj. General Joe Arbuckle, USA ret
STARRS Vice Chairman

I’ve been deeply troubled by the social engineering verbiage applied to leadership at the USAFA.

They are trying to complicate, and in the end, degenerate leadership into a sociology studies exercise.

The principles of leadership never change and they apply to all people, especially in the military. Above all, set the right integrity example.

The ultimate test of military leadership is combat.

At that point, all of the academic and classroom discussions matter little.

What matters is the effective application of leadership in combat when the lead and steel fly through the air while battle buddies, wingmen, and shipmates are being hit, killed, and wounded.

At that point, all the marxist policies like CRT & DEI that divide vs unite military members reveal their true nature—they are destructive to the warrior ethos which relies on total trust and confidence in each other.

In such a combat environment, will service members look at each other and wonder if the one sharing the same foxhole who is a different color, will risk his/her life to save me?

Warrior ethos:

  • I will always put the mission first
  • I will never quit
  • I will never accept defeat
  • I will never leave a fallen comrade

Social programs and policies that divide the military into competing identity groups are divisive by design, destroying the warrior ethos and the leadership skills which are critical to winning in battle and building essential teamwork in peacetime.

Combat is the ultimate test of real leadership.

Will we fail that test under the divisive character of DEI?

Are the academies producing 2Lts ready for the combat test?

Sadly I think not.

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