One of the new appointees to the USAFA Board of Visitors is retired Air Force Col. Doug “Stoli” Nikolai, a 1989 graduate of the Air Force Academy and F-16 pilot.
He has extensive combat, tactical, and operational experience with more than 2,800 flying hours, including more than 260 combat hours earned during Operations SOUTHERN WATCH and IRAQI FREEDOM.
His assignments have included the following duties: F-16 Weapons Instructor Course Pilot, Flight Examiner, Flight Commander, Assistant Operations Officer, Chief of Wing Weapons and Tactics, Chief of Squadron Standardization and Evaluation, Chief of 11 Air Force Weapons and Tactics, Operations Officer, Director of Staff, F-16 Squadron Commander and Deputy Group Commander.
He served as Chief of the Weapon Systems Liaison Division of the Secretary of the Air Force’s Legislative Liaison Office, Pentagon, Washington, D.C.
STARRS President Col. Ron Scott, PhD, USAF ret, USAFA ’73 watched a presentation Stoli gave for the organization, Leading With Power, which aims to build up men to be better husbands, fathers, leaders at work and leaders in the community.
Col. Scott highly recommends the presentation:
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