Army STARRS Authors

Focus on Warfighting Readiness—How to Fight

By Maj Drew Dix, U.S. Army (ret), Medal of Honor Recipient
Co-founder of the Center for American Values
Board of Advisor member for STARRS

I was going through my military library and found my small original copy of the “Army Officer’s Manual” 1943. It is a concise manual assembled by a Lieutenant Colonel and it focuses on warfighting readiness.

The purpose of the manual was to outline for officers how to operate in an austere war fighting environment and to improvise to any degree necessary to win.

The first few pages tell the story as it addresses “How to Fight” with the following simple actions:

– find them

– fix them

– fight them

– follow them

– finish them

These simple and timeless warfighting principles fit well with today’s Army warrior ethos:

I will always place the mission first

I will never quit

I will never accept defeat

I will never leave a fallen warrior

We have a military for one reason: To Fight and Win our Nations Wars.

Anything that distracts from warfighting readiness, such as DEI, must be eliminated.

Let’s get back to the fundamentals of warfighting and forget all the social engineering.

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