Army DOD Vax

Ex-Green Beret Forced Out Over Vax Mandate Asks Trump How He’ll ‘Hold Military Leaders Accountable?’

At his campaign town hall on 4 October in Fayetteville, North Carolina, former President Trump was asked about how he’ll hold military leaders accountable by John Frankman, a former Special Forces Green Beret who said he was forced out of the military due to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

What People Are Saying

Comments on the video

“People don’t realize how many troops we lost to that mandate. I had small a unit of about 42 people. We lost 20. My coworkers who stayed left when their term was over bc they were being overworked to death. Imagine how many other troops separated overall. We have piss poor recruitment numbers, so I am curious and concerned about what their manning numbers look like now.”

“One of my friends husbands was forced out and he was a flight instructor at top gun.”

“I faced a dishonorable discharge during reserves (after Active duty). Got my commission taking away from me. I fought 3 years with JAG and won. And now I’m a sitting duck with no future.”

“Forced the good ones out and accepted the DEIs and trans. Now wonder recruitment went down under this current admin.”

“I am a veteran with 14 years Active Duty service. Most of the soldiers I know including my nephew ended their enlistment due to the woke policies being enforced. I and most of the others that I know don’t mind gays in the military, but the idiotic pronoun policy is ridiculous. Having to remember everyone’s pronouns like zey/zem unicorn/rainbow is ridiculous.”

“Recruitment is down because patriotism is down. Young people don’t grow up to be proud of their country, they are taught to mostly hate everything it stands for really. Or did stand for? Who knows any more.”

“My husband was almost kicked out of the military over this mess. Luckily they could never touch him. He is still currently serving. I almost lost my nursing job over it. I will never get it.”

“Former Major here, vaccine injured, every General that forced the vaccine on us should be Court Martialed.”

“I, unfortunately, was forced to get mine while in. They threatened to legal hold my ass for an indeterminate amount of time, then send me out with an OTH discharge instead of letting me reach my EAOS. My father was in the hospital dying at that time, so I could not afford to be held back. How the upper brass treated all of us who didn’t want the jab was absolutely deplorable, only to withdraw the order a month or so later. Disgusting.”

“I know of a seasoned DoD accounting employee who retired earlier than she wanted in order to avoid the vaccine requirement. They lost her experience and work ethic. I know of another one who loved her DoD accounting customer service activities and was suited to that work who also retired way too early and is trying to make up the shortfall with her sewing skills. I caved and got the Johnson vaccine from a pushy nurse during a visit to the ER, who referenced staying around for my grandkids (manipulation). But at least then I didn’t have to live stressed out by the DoD, unless they insisted on boosters. That was a horrible time.”

“Damaged before being deployed. Tragic. Ironic. Worldwide phenomenon in military.”

“One of my closest friends was mandated to take the vaccine — or lose her job. She was vaccine injured. Three years later, she still isn’t what she was before.”

“Something to think about, the hospital I work at lost 60% of their medical staff by mandating the jabby-jab. Many RNs were literally walked out because they wanted free choice.”

“My daughter was forced out because she refused the poison, and then she received a formal apology letter from the dept of the air force years later.”

“Our neighbors son was training to be a Marine but wouldn’t go by that mandate! He would have been a great Marine! Now he’s a police officer.”

“Why not tell the story, I went a year and a half with no VA Healthcare for no vaxx.. I am a Combat Veteran…”

“My whole life was flipped over because of the mandates, 4 years on and I’m still picking up the pieces.”

“A AF major in my squadron was forced out.”

“Re the mandate…a friend’s grandson was in the Navy; he loved it, intended it as his career. He took the mandated shot , and ended up promptly with a rare and dangerous heart condition that resulted in him having to take a medical discharge. (It wasn’t myocarditis.)”

“Civilian DOD workers also had to leave their jobs because they did not take the jab. They should also be compensated.”

“The best left, some of the greatest leaders, now and future “top guns”.”

“My nephew was forced to retire after 23 from the Army over the Vax mandate.”

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