DOD Woke Agenda

Every white heterosexual male at high rank understands this game

By Cynical Publius (X Handle)
Retired US Army Colonel

I have been posting a lot lately about the impact of DEI on organizational incompetence and how it relates to the Secret Service.

We generally think about this phenomenon in terms of hiring and promoting people primarily based on factors other than competence, but I have sources at high ranks currently serving in the Department of Defense who have alerted me to an even more sinister impact of DEI.

The original Star Trek series did a famous episode called “Mirror, Mirror.” This was the episode in which Spock famously had a beard, and the premise was that there was an alternate universe in which the Federation were the evil bad guys running amok across the galaxy. In this world, Starfleet officers got ahead by assassinating their superiors.

My sources tell me that we are seeing this now at high levels in the DoD, except the tool of assassination is not a phaser, but a discrimination complaint to the local DEI office.

Some people I have talked to inside the DoD at the SES and multi-star flag level (sorry, anonymity is essential here) tell me that we currently have a climate in the very high ranks where efficiency reports, disagreements on the job, promotion and advancement opportunities, and day-to-day operations are all heavily influenced by a fear of displeasing DEI subordinates.

As a result, negative words are rarely said about poor performance and advancement opportunities are presented that are not earned.

The drill goes like this.

A high-ranking officer (who is usually a heterosexual white male) puts in a word (or is perceived as putting in a word) regarding the poor performance of a DEI subordinate (who is him or herself also pretty high ranking) and if things don’t go quite as the subordinate wanted for promotion or new assignments, he/she officially alleges racial, gender and/or sexual orientation discrimination on the part of the superior to their local DEI official, which immediately results in a formal investigation into the superior with a presumption of guilt.

This is a death sentence for the superior, as even if the DEI allegations are proven to be unfounded, the mere fact that the claim was made is often found to mean that there is a “loss in confidence” in the white male superior, with that wholly innocent senior officer being quietly cashiered.

I am told that every white heterosexual male at high rank understands this game, and does everything he can to avoid it.

This is something straight out of the mind of Lavrentiy Beria, and as a consequence the halls of the Pentagon E-Ring are chilled with a sense of fear and walking on eggshells, and it is no wonder that the senior echelons of our military have become so dysfunctional and ineffective.

In this context, the disgrace of Abbey Gate really starts to make sense.

My sources are only inside the DoD, but I have to presume this is happening elsewhere in the federal government.

When you consider the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is on record as selecting USAF pilots based solely on the color of their skin, and when you see Secretary of the Army Wormuth building a force of female Infantrymen (women), none of this is really surprising.

When Trump v2.0 comes to office, selecting the best possible SecDef must be one of his absolute top priorities, and whomever that is must immediately take a firehose to clean out the Augean Stables that the Pentagon has sadly become.

I started to see this 20 years ago when I was a battalion commander. Anytime I did a Field Grade Article 15 with a black or female soldier as the accused, there was about a 1 in 3 chance that I would get an “EO complaint” against me before the Article 15 hearing.

Thankfully back then all I needed to do was explain the soldier’s wrongdoing and the EO people knew it was just somebody who did something wrong trying to weasel out of it.

My favorite was when a black soldier would make an EO complaint against my black CSM or a female soldier would make an EO complaint against my female XO.

Also by CP:

Open Letter to the SecArmy: You are in absolute denial regarding the Army’s ongoing recruiting crisis

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1 Comment

  • Trump and Hegseth have ordered all DEI removed from the military. All officers that adhere to the tenants of DEI can expect to be reassigned, retired, demoted, or fired.

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