The great New York Yankee catcher and backyard philosopher Yogi Berra once said something like,
Eradicating DEI from the DoD is easy—80% of that is physical and the other half is mental.
While processing his wisdom, an interruption.
With the 80% physical comment, Yogi was recognizing the military is by necessity a disciplined and compliant institution that must quickly respond to legal orders flowing through the chain of command.
The implication being the physical aspects of DEI such as training materials, offices, people, etc., can be quickly eradicated from the DoD based on orders (80%).
However, the other half of the action being the mental piece is more difficult, as it involves getting into the mental indoctrination that has occurred over many years and taken root.
Some of the DEI believers will slowly change their mindsets, but others who are true DEI believers will resist and subvert efforts to flush DEI out of the military.
That group of advocates must be identified and removed.
Overall, the other mental half of eradicating DEI from the DoD will likely take years.
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