By Jake Smith | Daily Caller News Foundation The Air Force finally handed over a trove of documents pertaining to its...
Category - Services
The Navy’s Latest ‘Woke’ Stunt Is Beyond Embarrassing
Matt Walsh talks about the Navy bragging about their latest innovation: a gender-neutral submarine. Watch the Navy’s...
Reps Skewer Army Official For Saying Trainer Who Labeled Pro-Life Orgs ‘Terrorist Groups’ Wasn’t Fired
By Jake Smith | The Daily Caller News Foundation Lawmakers scolded an Army official on Thursday for suggesting a garrison...
Hearing on Army Extremism Policies
(Press Release) U.S. Representative Jim Banks (R-IN), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Military Personnel, delivered the...
Navy CNO’s Vision for the Fleet
The Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Lisa Franchetti has released a new document providing strategic guidance to the Navy:...
Affirmative action trial against Naval Academy begins in Baltimore
By Ian Round | Maryland Daily Record A retired Air Force general testified that racial diversity mattered “not one bit” to...
‘Don’t Give Up the Ship!’ New Book from Calvert Task Group Available Today
In honor of Constitution Day, Calvert Task Group proudly announces the launch of their latest book, DON’T GIVE UP THE SHIP...
Short Takes
Various articles seen this week too short for an entire post: Wonder why they don’t have enough sailors or pilots...
RIP: U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Bob “Earthquake” Titus
By Bill Scott | Substack A dear friend and great American patriot “flew West” on 8 September 2024. U.S. Air Force...
Army officials to face House grilling on training slides that designated pro-life groups as terrorists
By Morgan Phillips | Fox News House Republicans will bring in Army officials to testify at a hearing next week on a training...
Admiral’s past report on diversity draws questions from GOP senator during confirmation hearing
(Stars and Stripes) Sen. Eric Schmitt on Thursday challenged President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead Southern Command over a...
Preserving Military Excellence through Leadership and Unity with Tom Burbage and Bruce Davey of the Calvert Task Group
Join STARRS & Stripes podcast with host CDR Al Palmer, US Navy ret, for an inspiring conversation with leaders of the...
4-Star General: Reject the Marxist march to insanity and thus the destruction of the United States
By General B.B. Bell, US Army ret | Patriot Post Dear Fellow Citizens, The upcoming national election is not about former...
Some Military Leaders Support a ‘Highly Partisan and Leftist Ideology’ Culture
By J.M. Phelps | Gateway Pundit Rather than focusing on building better soldiers and leaders for warfighting, some...
DEI Is Sinking the U.S. Navy
By Capt. Brent D. Sadler, USN ret, USNA ’94 Fewer Ships, Recruiting Shortfalls: DEI Has Left Our Navy Less Prepared: In the...
Upholding the Warrior Ethos in the Military: Interview with MOH Recipient Drew Dix
STARRS & Stripes host CDR Al Palmer, USN ret interviews retired Army Special Forces Major Drew Dix, Medal of Honor...
Demographic Diversity Is Not Our Strength
By CDR Phillip J. Keuhlen, USN ret, USNA ’71 There is an old saw in leadership circles, “You get what you inspect.” It...
Don’t Give Up the Ship book: CTG President Tom Burbage on the Ike Wingate Show
Calvert Task Group President Capt. Tom Burbage, US Navy ret, USNA ’69 was interviewed on the Ike Wingate Show about...
Military Reform: Reversing the Decline
By Col. Gary Anderson, USMC ret Retired as Chief of Staff of the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab Served as a Special Advisor to...
The Logic of the Woke Military
By Will Thibeau, Army Ranger veteran First published on Tom Klingenstein’s website. His Note: Perhaps more explicitly than...
Only Accountability Will Restore Faith in America’s Military
Col Rob Maness, USAF ret, and a STARRS Board of Advisors member, interviews Air Force veteran Briana Cespedes on his show...
‘You Will Resign or We’ll Make this Ugly’: Idaho National Guardsman Punished for Biblical Values
By Sarah Holliday | Washington Stand A Christian infantry officer is now being punished by the Idaho Army National Guard for...
Congressmen Demand Answers From Coast Guard About DEI Trainings
By Bradley Devlin | The Daily Signal Has the Biden-Harris administration’s focus on so-called diversity, equity, and...
‘Why didn’t you protect me?’: Will Army leaders get a letter like this?
And Air Force, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard. Riley Gaines wrote a powerful letter questioning why the Georgia Tech...
Flying the F-14 Tomcat: Lessons in Leadership and Camaraderie with Navy Commander Dave Baranek
Ever wonder what it takes to fly one of the Navy’s most iconic jets? Join STARRS & Stripes podcast with host CDR...
Is wokeness undermining military readiness?
On “The Real Story with Jeanne Ives” radio show, Jeanne (1987 West Point grad) and retired US Navy Capt. Guy...
Idaho Army National Guard Intolerant of Religious Speech of Infantry Officer
(Liberty Counsel Press Release) Liberty Counsel has notified Governor Brad Little that the Idaho Army National Guard has...
Dept of Air Force Guidance Letter to OTS Commander – 1979
16 July 1979 guidance letter to the Commander of USAF Officer Training School from General Bennie L. Davis, Commander...
Major General Joe Arbuckle on Meritocracy, Accountability and Military Reform
What does it take to rise from a private to a Major General in the U.S. Army? Major General Joe Arbuckle, US Army ret, joins...
A Navy in Extremis
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN ret STARRS Board of Advisors Since 2017, I have written about the decline of the U.S. Navy. We...
Far-Left Propaganda at U.S. Naval Base
Military watchdog journalist Sam Shoemate posted on his X account (@samosaur) on 20 August: Less than 1 month after the...
‘Terrifying development’: New U.S. Army policy spells trouble for Christians
By J.M. Phelps | World Net Daily A policy revision adopted recently by the U.S. Army could spell trouble for soldiers who...
Combat Readiness Suffers While the DOD Pursues Diversity and Army Commanders Lie in Status Reports
By J.M. Phelps | Gateway Pundit According to documents shared exclusively with The Daily Wire, “the Defense Department...
A Double Funeral
By William S. Lind | American Conservative On July 29, I attended the funeral and interment at Arlington cemetery of General...
Lt General Rod Bishop: From USAFA to Leading Seven Commands
Meet STARRS Chairman of the Board Lt. General Rod Bishop, USAF ret, USAFA ’74, interviewed by STARRS & Stripes...
Woke Politics Are Endangering Our Military And Our Nation
Col Rob Maness, USAF ret and STARRS Board of Advisors member interviews LCDR Bruce Davey, USN ret, USNA ’69, former...
The Real Reason Army Recruitment Is Plummeting
Matt Walsh talks about why there is a recruitment crisis: the military is failing to attract men while they advertise to...
DEI recruiting nightmare: ‘We spent $1 million to get 1 kid in the Army’
By J.M. Phelps | World Net Daily Nearly two million dollars spent by one of the nation’s Army recruiting brigades...
Navy Seals on DEI Results: No merit, no accountability for failure, mission drift
Former Navy Seals Sean Ryan and Erik Prince discuss a wide range of issues relating to how the government failed to protect...
From USAFA to Air Force Leader: Discipline, Mentorship, and Duty with Colonel Ron Scott
STARRS & STRIPES Interviews: Meet STARRS President and CEO Col. Ron Scott, PhD, USAF ret, USAFA ’73 — his...
Biden-Harris Admin Paid Consultants Millions To Help Military Implement Race-Based Hiring, Combat Resistance to DEI
By Spencer Lindquist | Daily Wire The Biden-Harris Defense Department paid outside organizations millions of taxpayer...
Interview with Calvert Task Group
CDM Host L Todd Wood speaks to Tom Burbage and Bruce Davey of Calvert Task Group on efforts to save the Naval Academy from...
War Stories – CMOH Recipient Maj Drew Dix – Tet Offensive Vietnam
USAFA grad and former USAF Special Ops L. Todd Wood speaks with Maj Drew Dix (USA, Ret) on his experience during the Tet...
‘Sorry they got caught’: In Biden-era military, attacks on Christian values more frequent and flagrant
By J. M. Phelps | WND Recently, a U.S. Army anti-terrorism brief from Fort Liberty, North Carolina, identified various...
Navy Service chiefs emphasize need for diversity at leadership conference in Norfolk
From WHRO Public Radio: The next generation of leaders from each of the sea-oriented branches of the military are in Norfolk...
What I learned from the Air Force Thunderbirds
By Lt Col Phil Bail, USAF ret STARRS Wisconsin State Leader Published in the 1 August 2024 print version of the Ozaukee...
Politics or People: What Does the Navy Value?
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN ret STARRS Board of Advisors Board Member, Calvert Task Group From “According to...
Congressman rips Air Force over ‘microaggressions’ document warning airmen not to tell someone to ‘toughen up’
By Andrew Mark Miller | Fox News GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz is slamming the United States Air Force over an internal memo his...
$450 Million B-1B Lancer Crash Attributed to Crew Failures and ‘Degradation of Airman Skills’
From A B-1B Lancer valued at more than $450 million that crashed in South Dakota at the start of this year...
Navy SEALs, Sailors Who Refused COVID Vaccine Will Have Records Expunged After Legal Settlement
From The U.S. Navy has reached a settlement with sailors who filed a lawsuit over the service’s COVID-19...