The US Army just dropped an impressive new 8- minute video called, “How DO you become a U.S. Army Ranger? | Army...
The Military’s Dangerous Double Standard for Women in Combat
By Victoria Manning | Restoration News It’s imperative to adopt American military policies that create the strongest...
Biologically female NCOs sue Air Force, say it’s ‘not possible’ for them ‘to serve as a woman’
March Madness. By Jamie Joseph | Fox News Two transgender military service members, both of whom have already undergone sex...
Gaslighting Headlines Regarding DEI Content Purge in DOD
STARRS On 26 February 2025, the Pentagon issued a memo entitled, “Digital Content Refresh” that said by March 5...
Habits of Honor, Faith, and Patriotism – Col. Doug “Stoli” Nikolai
One of the new appointees to the USAFA Board of Visitors is retired Air Force Col. Doug “Stoli” Nikolai, a 1989...
Read the Room: Kendall claims DEI purge will weaken military
Former Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall, a West Point grad who is “left of Marx” according to one of his...
Biden-Appointed Judge Blocks Trump Ban On Transgender Service Members
By Wallace White | Daily Caller News Foundation In a ruling Tuesday, a Biden-appointed federal judge blocked President...
Military Kids “Rebel” Against DEI Removal: Woke indoctrination at DODEA Schools
Observe the reactions and actions from teachers and kids at DODEA schools in response to the Commander-in-Chief’s and...
The Woke Military: A Question of Paternity
By Judge Bruce Tucker Smith Retired USAF Judge Advocate and DHS Administrative Law Judge The woke military is the bastard...
Biden Department Of Veterans Affairs Provided Transgender Procedures Despite Ban, Documents Show
By Luke Rosiak | The Daily Wire The Department of Veterans Affairs for years defied a rule barring “gender alterations” to...
Former Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall’s Claim that Trump is a “Rogue” President: Hypocrisy, Projection, or Both?
By Col. William A. Woodruff, US Army lawyer, retired In a Guest Opinion in the February 24, 2025, New York Times, former...
Sean Spicer: From the White House to the Naval Academy BoV
On Newt Gingrich’s podcast, Newt talks with Sean Spicer, former White House Press Secretary, about his recent...
USAFA DEI Chief’s Title Changes
A USAFA grad alerted us to the fact that USAFA’s Chief, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Officer had changed his...
Naval Academy: A “House Divided”
A former Naval Academy professor writes about his concerns that SECDEF Hegseth might remove some civilian professors at...
Unity Letter to USAFA AOG
The five STARRS-recommended Unity slate of candidates to be on the Board of Directors of the US Air Force Association of...
Admiral Derek Trinque is Everything Wrong with the Woke Navy
By Victoria Manning | Restoration News President Trump has a new target: A Navy admiral who adores Anthony Fauci and...
DAF announces Restoring America’s Fighting Force Task Force validation plan
(Dept. of Air Force) Today, the Department of the Air Force announced its validation plan in response to the Restoring...
How DEI and Marxism Threaten U.S. Defense with Ronald Scott on The Truth & Liberty Show
STARRS President and CEO Col. Ron Scott, PhD, USAF ret, USAFA ’73 was interviewed on the Truth & Liberty show to...
VA to Phase Out Treatment for Gender Dysphoria
All savings from this change will go to helping paralyzed Veterans and amputees (VA Press Release) In response to President...
Senate Hearing on Status of Military Service Academies – March 26, 2025
The Senate Armed Services Committee will be holding a hearing, “To conduct oversight and receive testimony on the...
President Trump Is Not Weakening Our National Security or Our Military
By Larry Purdy, USNA ’68 Thank you for allowing me to respond to retired Navy Admiral Dennis Blair’s commentary...
President Trump Appoints New Members to Three Service Academy Board of Visitors
After removing members of USAFA, USMA and USNA Board of Visitors appointed by Biden, President Trump named their...
BGen Chris Walker on Glenn Beck Show
STARRS Board of Advisors member Brig. General Chris “Mookie” Walker, USAF ret, USAFA ’88, was interviewed...
VMI Alumnus Nominated to Serve as Army Undersecretary
(VMI) Congratulations to VMI alumnus and retired Army colonel Michael Obadal ’96 who has been nominated to serve as Army...
Course Correction Required for Naval War College’s Women, Peace, and Security Program
By Rebecca Buis and Capt. Brent Sadler, USN ret, USNA ’94 | The Daily Signal At a February town hall, Secretary of...
West Point Grad: Fort Bragg returns and a legacy is restored
By Congressman Pat Harrigan, USMA ’09 Last Friday, I stood in Fayetteville with Secretary of the Army Daniel Driscoll...
Department of the Navy Announces New Policy on Sailors with Gender Dysphoria
(US Navy) The Department of the Navy announced policy changes for Sailors with a current diagnosis or history of gender...
Getting Out of Forever Wars
By Major General Don McGregor, USAF, ret. Since the 9/11 attacks, the United States has been mired in “forever...
Military Paradigm Swinging Away from Wokeism Toward Meritocracy
By Elaine Donnelly President, Center for Military Readiness We are witnessing in our military a major paradigm shift toward...
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George Orders a Review of All COVID Vax Mandate Related GOMORs
By Kristina Wong | Breitbart News Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George has ordered the Army to review all general officer...
Coast Guard Academy Removes References to ‘Climate Change’ from Its Curriculum
By Brian Hallenbeck | The Day, New London, Conn. A U.S. Department of Homeland Security order banning “climate change...
Air Force Academy Reverses Decision, Allows Muslim Cadets to Forgo Physical Training During Ramadan
The Air Force Academy recently held a new more rigorous “cumulative exercise” which is “an essential...
Secretary Hegseth says the DOD does not do ‘climate change crap’
By Greg Wehner | Fox News U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Secretary Pete Hegseth said Sunday that his department...
SECDEF: Rapid Force-Wide Review of Military Standards
(Pentagon) Today Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth ordered a department-wide review of existing standards set by U.S...
‘Smartest Guy In The Room’: Meet The Man Trump Just Tapped To Head America’s Highest Military Office
By Wallace White | The Daily Caller News Foundation President Donald Trump’s new nominee for the highest military officer...
USAFA Cadets test warfighter readiness in spring CULEX
(USAFA) U.S. Air Force Academy cadets took on the rigorous Spring 2025 Culminating Exercise (CULEX), an essential training...
A Premature Death Sentence for DEI at the U.S. Naval Academy?
By CDR Phillip J. Keuhlen, USN ret, USNA ’71 During a tour of duty at the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) as a Company Officer in...
President names allies to Naval Academy Board of Visitors
By Ali Bianco | Politico President Donald Trump is nominating his close allies to serve on the board of visitors for the U.S...
West Point Must Come Clean
By Tony Lentini, USMA ’71 On Spring Break in 2022, five West Point cadets overdosed on cocaine laced with fentanyl...
From Flying F-4s to Fighting DEI: A Veteran’s Journey to Restore Military Values
STARRS & Stripes podcast host Al Palmer and guest Ron Olds, two veteran F-4 Phantom pilots during the Vietnam War...