Army Woke Agenda

Army Secretary: Trust in the military is declining

Army Secretary says “Trust is declining”. You think?

On Thursday’s “PBS NewsHour,” Army Secretary Christine Wormuth reacted to arguments about the military becoming “woke” by stating that “trust in the military is still very, very strong.” But acknowledged that it “has declined. We used to be up in the 80s, and I think now we’re in the sort of mid-60s. So, there’s work to be done there too.”

“NewsHour” Foreign Affairs and Defense Correspondent Nick Schifrin asked, “You also acknowledge you’re dealing — especially with Generation Z — with a declining trust in institutions and in the military? According to Gallup, trust in the military is at the lowest point in a half-century.”

Wormuth responded, “Yeah, trust is declining. And we call it propensity, are people wanting to join?” . . .  (read more on Breitbart News)

Are people wanting to join???

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What People Are Saying

(Comments on the Breitbart article)

“Trust in the military is strong? Until recently, I never questioned the military. I thought it was immune from the forces that have corrupted our political system. I have been proven wrong. The left destroys everything and that includes our military. It’s one thing to recognize that a corrupt government will misuse our military, as it often has, but that doesn’t compromise the honor of our military. What has happened to our military today is very different. There is no honor in our military leadership. They are political hacks who have turned our military into state police who serve DC elites against the people rather than serve and protect the people. I have zero trust in our military today.”

“When you force out over 8000 troops because they wont take an experimental useless injection…..then you wonder why people distrust the military?”

“Very few good, normal people are going to join the military knowing they will be force-fed a constant load of perverse garbage and that their chances for advancement will suffer if they don’t play along with the perverts. Liberals ruin everything they touch.”

“Anyone who thinks Trust in the military is “Very Very” Strong has not sat down at the local VFW hall and had a beer with vets lately. I myself spent over 22 years in the Army, Went to war and spent 51 months in active combat zones. I come from a long line of Veterans from every service. So I am a Very strong supporter of the military. That being said I think our current military is Weak and I am afraid that if we go to war with a strong foe we could have our butts handed to us. The problem is our current leadership that is more worried about Being woke then they are about winning wars. Then we have a commander in chief who has spent decades in bed with our enemies. I am not alone in thinking this way. In fact most vets I know think exactly like I do. And if people think the military is so strong then please tell me why we are struggling to recruit young people to join up? The government is offering huge benefits and brought down the standards of who can join and still can’t get enough recruits. I told my own kids to do something else with their life. Though I loved being in the military and made a good life at it I did not encourage my own children to join. I could see the direction the military was headed and it saddened me. Vets used to talk up military service and we were one of the military greatest recruiting tool and now most the vets I know are telling young people to do something else with their life.”

“Trust in the military? Hmmm…as a veteran having serviced 30-years I do not trust the military as they are now protectors not of the state but, of the politicians. They do not hold to their oaths of office or enlistment oaths. I advise young people not to join.”

“The generational military families no longer encourage their sons to enlist in this clown show.”

“Sending a child into the military was always a risk, but parents did it in hopes the child would grow up, learn something valuable, and get some life experience. Nowadays, who wants to send a child into an organization that is more about radical indoctrination than it is about national defense? About expanding one’s sexual horizons and tolerance of deviance than about warfighting? When the parent veterans no longer support the military and do not encourage their kids to join, the nation has a big, big, problem. The most dependable pool of recruits has always been the children and siblings of veterans. My family has a long history of military service, from WWII, to Vietnam, to Desert Storm, to GWOT. I retired after 20. I would not encourage my children to join today. Think about that, Millie, Biden and company. You have lost the veteran parents… and it is your fault. It is going to take a huge effort to regain the trust of this important population; this group of political activists is not the group that will do that.”

“I proudly served four years in the Army back in the 80’s. If anyone asked my opinion about joining the current military, I would STRONGLY discourage them from doing so. The current military is not the same one I was a part of. Duty, honor, country are a thing of the past. Diversity, equality and inclusion are the new buzzwords. Because of it, we are a much weaker nation today.”

“If trust has dropped 20 points, then it’s not “still very, very strong”. Stop constantly lying to us. We’re sick of it.”

“If the military was trusted, there would be plenty of recruits. We all saw what you did to the Marine who spoke up after the disastrous Afghanistan with drawl. We see you pushing men claiming to be trans into the woman’s barracks and showers. We see you promoting unqualified box checkers over qualified people who have worked hard for the promotion they were denied.”

“You’re turning the Army in a miserable woke pit of despair, but absolutely, it’s Gen Z and their unreasonable trust of “institutions” that has recruiting and retention numbers down in the blue water of the nearest porta pottie.”

“When I was in the military there was a saying about officers O-6 and up. “SELF BEFORE SERVICE”. As a 23 year combat vet. let me say this, “I have no faith in todays Military Leadership. Officers in the rank of O-6 and up are more worried about the next promotion and whose butt do I kiss then they are about the needs of their troops or this country. FJB and all the woke officers.”

“It may be strong according to the woke leadership and new woke recruits, but I doubt any patriotic veterans before all the dumbing down and sissifying of the military think it’s strong.”

“I served from 82-93 and witnessed the beginning of the end with Clinton’s don’t ask don’t tell policy. He and his policy was the reason why I chose not to reenlist and not make a career of my service. I have no regrets. Allowing women in combat was the next step to further degrade our warfighting capability. Lastly, allowing the mentally ill gender confused to serve openly while we pay for their meds and reassignment surgeries as well as openly promoting drag queens, is the straw that breaks the military’s back. Unfortunately our military has become a laughing stock. Embarrassing.”

“I stuck it out a couple more years than you but you hit the nail square on the head. I got out because as a white male in a combat arms MOS i would have never made it past the rank of E-7.”

“The heart of the military, since the beginning of America has been Conservatives. With DEI and using tax dollars to pay for gender surgery while our soldier’s barracks fall apart, it’s no wonder they aren’t joining.”

“While I was in women were afforded special treatment by having their fitness standards lowered compared to men. All to show how politically correct (replaced by woke) the military could be. Also they were given special preferences when it came to promotions so the military could show that women were as capable as men. I’m sure our enemies will make sure to lower the standards of warfighting to accommodate the females and their physiological differences.”

“Let’s see…. mandatory racial indoctrination and experimental vaccines…..Yup. We do NOT trust the military.”

“You can tell, she even knows no one is believing her lies.”

“So long as promoting leftist “woke” culture is the government’s priority, trust will not be restored. Nor should it.”

“Recruiting is in the toilet because traditional military families like mine are not going anywhere near a woke military. We would never even consider saluting some dude wearing a dress.”

“My dear Army Secretary Wormuth, I think you are delusional. Public confidence in the military and the Army is declining not increasing. That likely pertains to the entire armed forces. My assessment from a family that has served in every War since the Civil War. Have you read the recent article in MILCOM which is your own propaganda media: “Our Generals Cannot Think and Do Not Win” is a sound summary. The stupidity of the Afghanistan withdrawal does not require repeating here. You are too fat (not you personally), under educated, poorly trained, strained for resources, almost out of ammunition and spare parts. You are reducing Army Special Forces, your very best soldiers, by ten percent while unable to rebuild your Army by the 30 percent needed. You increase your REenlistment bonus for three months with tremendous results saving 16,000 highly trained technicians and then you cancel the program. Brilliant! Most of your recruits are too fat, too weak, too uneducated, and your leaders too woke. If you need this Army to fight you best begin mandatory prayer services. BTW, read about the condition of the Army after WW II and before and during Korea. That is where you are now. No disrespect intended as the First Sergeant use to say.”

“”And, like eligibility, propensity to serve has been declining for years now. But, certainly, part of it, I think, is Generation Z’s distrust in institutions, sort of skepticism about authority.” This is BS! The distrust in institutions has absolutely nothing to do with “skepticism of authority.” The citizens can see the open corruption, wokism, and lowered standards the military leadership has instituted, and that is what is driving people out of the service and retarding recruitment. The Defense Department is in the social justice business now and there is no denying it.”

“It is tradition for men in my family to serve goes back many generations, I will tell my son in 17 years to not if the current mess is still in place.”

“I am a proud vet but the military would have to go a LONG way at this point get to were I would want one of m children to join. They have become a cesspool of woke! The degradation of the military will get many of them killed when conflict breaks out.”

“Nope, your core demographic – Midwestern Christians of families with generational service – is done with the Woke BS and won’t serve a corrupt government. Their skills will be needed sooner than a six year enlistment.”

“And let’s not forget about mandatory “vaccine” jabs for what (at least used to be) were the healthiest group of young adults in the country. The government and senior military leadership couldn’t care less about the health and well-being of the

“What military aged white male would want to enlist when politicians made it clear to promote Blacks and women over more experienced white men? I smell a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion quota system being used in the liberal social engineering degeneration of our military.”

“I’m a retired veteran. I don’t trust the military one bit.”

“By the second, and last, sacking of Rome in 476, few in the legions were actually Roman, being conscripts from the provinces who’s loyalties lay elsewhere, and volunteers for whom it was just a paycheck. Except for the officers. Weak, inept sons of the elite with no military experience. No longer feared, the force was ripe to fall.”

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