They may not want to admit it, but our military leaders, instructors and professors have dug the hole of political perception within the military.
They are doing it in an obvious way by inserting themselves into cultural/political issues such as having military bases hosting drag queen story hours and allowing soldiers to insert their pronouns in their email signatures, and they are doing it in more covert ways such as “battling extremism” and making political positions national security concerns e.g. covid mitigation, abortion rights, racism and even climate change etc.
Yes, all of those are inherently political because they come down to the values or perceived values that are held by each political party and its affiliates (voters), and when the Secretary of Defense serves at the leisure of the President of the United States, it is foolish to assume there no undue influence.
An article by ML Cavanaugh from 2018 from the Modern Warfare Institute said, “The military has long held a tradition of nonpartisan service to prevent politics from dividing troops from within and separating the military from the society it serves.”
The military engaging in the culture wars does one thing: divide the military itself.
And really we have to ask ourselves why are they doing that? And what kind of culture are we breeding within the military? . . .
. . .
It would appear the Department of Defense is doing everything in its power to shift this paradigm to a new soldier, and that new soldier would make even Mao blush.
A brief history refresh; the reign of Mao brought us the Red Guard, a group of student revolutionaries that wanted to eliminate the long held traditions of the Chinese people and would do so by force and intimidation. and demand a change of culture to satisfy their desired outcomes.
Another interesting aspect of Mao’s army was the complete elimination of feminity and sex in order to create a community of genderless peoples . . .
. . . . Military leaders are either completely inept at seeing the culture they are creating or it is by design. If they’re explaining, they are losing. They know they are losing but they persist.
They are getting the soldier they want, not the soldier they need.
They have overcorrected and have put our national security at risk because they want to play politics no matter how much they deny it. . . .(read more on TRMLX)
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