Books DOD Woke Agenda

How The Military Went Woke

Ben Shapiro interviewed Pete Hegseth on Pete’s journey from the battlefield to the newsroom and discuss his views on the current state of American politics, as well as the shocking state of the military. They also discussed his personal experiences, the lessons he’s learned through his service, and his vision for a stronger, more united America.

‘Woke Ideology As Part Of Training’: Ben Shapiro Talks Wokeness In The Military With Fox News’ Pete Hegseth (Daily Wire)

In a new “Sunday Special” interview, Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro spoke to Fox News host Pete Hegseth about wokeness in the military.

Shapiro noted that Hegseth has a new book coming out on Tuesday, “The War on Warriors: Behind the Betrayal of the Men Who Keep Us Free,” which examines how the military allowed itself to go woke. The book has also become a Fox Nation series with Hegseth and his panel of veterans.

During their hour-long discussion, Hegseth, an Army veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan discussed how the military allowed woke ideology into its ranks as well as the Left’s accusations of white supremacy within the military.

“The everyday soldier on the line is as amazing as he ever was or she ever was, but when it comes to the brass, that has obviously changed,” Shapiro began, noting that those who notice “wokeness” in the military are often criticized.

“Correct, you can’t blame me for pointing out what you’re doing to an institution that’s beloved to me and my fellow warrior class,” Hegseth responded.

“This is an institution more focused than any other in our government, in our society, on meritocracy, on lethality, on readiness,” Hegseth continued, adding that the military underwent a “fundamental transformation” under Obama.

“Especially under Obama, the focus became, ‘No, no, no, no, what about these gender issues? What about these trans issues? What about these women in combat issues? What about climate change?’ And certainly under Biden, it’s been, ‘What about extremism?’”

Hegseth explained that new, young soldiers who join the U.S. Armed Forces are bombarded with “woke ideology” during training.

“You mentioned the warriors are just as good as they’ve always been. I agree, kind of. The challenge is because it’s a top-down organization, you start pushing things like DEI, now your young lieutenants and your young privates going through basic or going through ROTC or going through West Point are getting that woke ideology as part of their training.”

What People Are Saying

(Comments from the comment section)

“I served 35 years, I retired last August. He is 100% correct in his observations. The military is a mess at the moment due to social justice agendas forced on the members.”

“I just retired last year after 22 years. DEI is being pushed hard. I wanted to serve 30 years, but it got to woke. Command teams have lost so much power that they are just place holders.”

“My son retired from the military because his commanding officer wears a dress and is a mockery to women…overcompensates the walk and talk. He said it’s hard enough to follow a commander that you think might be crazy, but harder to follow one that is outwardly crazy. He also stated we are too close to wars to risk following these fools.”

“I served in the Marine Corps from 2003 to 2009 and did 3 tours to Iraq. With that being said I’ll do everything in my power to keep my 2 sons out of any branch of our current “Military”. It was already going down the “woke” road by the time I got out, Obama was gutting it immediately.”

“This is not the same America I signed up to serve for! I’m in the Marine Special Forces and contemplating taking an early discharge because of the current administration, and I’m not the only one that feels this way. The moral is the lowest I’ve ever seen in my tenure so far!”

“I’m a US sailor and we are so soft now. Everyone is getting out asap. It’s insane. My division doesn’t even have a 1st class petty officer cause ours is leaving too. So all we got is an ensign to take charge. Our one first class got demoted to 2nd class cause he said something.”

“I served in the US submarine force under President Ronald Reagan which required me to volunteer twice, once to enter the military and once to ride submarines. There is no way I would volunteer or encourage my children to volunteer to serve in the current US military and under the current political administration. In fact, if the draft is reinstated tomorrow, I will buy their ticket to Canada”

“In 2016 I remember my first “transgender awareness training”. Because of my political and traditional beliefs people were trying to out me and destroy my life in the military. It worked because in 2018 I chose separation. I would never recommend my children or anyone else to join.”

“I’m retired navy…. and also the first father in five generations of my family to warn my children off the service. It’s a mess. An evil mess, where it doesn’t at all need to be.”

“On the second day of Navy Bootcamp I had my head shaved, issued my uniforms (just like the 86 other men in my company) and told that there are only 2 colors in the Navy: Navy Blue and Khaki!”

“I served but ultimately had decided to not steer our children from serving but to educate them about what this modern military is like….so they had all the tools to make an informed decision about the “Modern Woke Military” and we will have all new conversations with our children now and encourage them to take a “wait and see” mentality because no one wants their children to be part of the woke madness that’s got a grip on our country.”

“This coming Wednesday marks 12 years in the Navy. I saw the decline begin in 2017 with transgender standown we had. At the time, I didn’t care too much as I assumed people would still be held to the standards. I assumed wrong. Fast forward to my tour in Europe (2019-2021) and the issues compounded further with extremism standown, early stages of Get Real, Get Better (response to readiness issues that caused the collisions and loss of 17 guys), leaders like Captain Crozier, Col Scheller, and Col Lohmeir calling out obvious neo-Marxist and radical ideologies and being fired for it. Who remembers the Army ad with two moms? The drag queen appointed as a spokesman to bump recruitment numbers? CNO reading list that includes How to be anti-racist by Kendi? I recall the records of two female Rangers being destroyed because of mean tweets and rumors that they were allowed to recycle and not complete the course within standards. All these problems while the enemy has infiltrated the border or traitors within our own government.”

“I recently got out and the way the military has become is a part of the reason. I’m like Hegseth where I got out as a Major. I am hoping to see a positive change after the election, and I will go back in if the direction of the DoD is corrected. I worked in a Recruiting Battalion many years ago and I felt these changes both on the line and in the recruiting challenges.”

“Glad I retired in 2012, I was at my wits end with the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, endless sexual assault training, a victimhood mentality sprinkled with treating it like a joke. Women, caked in makeup, perfume, to train a d work. It’s ridiculous.”

“Policy changes happened subtly at first but I was relieved, yet saddened when I retired in 2012, I’m not shocked at all.”

“I was army infantry from 2004 to 2011. This all started with Obama, I promise you. I watched it first hand. Thank God I got out before it went too crazy.”

“Joined in 2002 due to 9/11, infantry, volunteered because of a sense of “duty”, and to do my part for this country. Couple of combat tours, lost a lot of friends/brothers, came back changed. Looking at our country, our government, our citizenry today. It was all a waste, for nothing, a scam.”

“After 35 years I had to remove myself from DoD because I was labeled as a racist. This was triggered by my complaint (twice) about a young airman that just plain refused to work at all. He was of a particular color and therefore I was the problem regardless of all the evidence. Strange times.”

“Both of my parents retired from the Marine Corps, I did one enlistment and couldn’t do anymore. It’s so bad. I’d never condone my children joining even the marines in It’s current condition. A lot of young people ask me if it’s worth it and I cannot in good faith tell them it is. Some very very big changes would need to happen for me to encourage anyone to join.”

“The Downstream military philosophy is Very REAL. The men in my family have served in every war since the WW1, including me. I have 3 sons. I strongly advised them to NOT join the military unless it’s S/F or Air Force to get an education as the institutions I knew are mostly dead. My youngest ignored me and was a Ranger for 10 years. Couldn’t be prouder but even he admits that the last 4 years he was in he HATED it and got out because of DEI. Hegseth has it right. A soldier’s job is to kill people and break things. Everything else is just a dangerous distraction.”

“Back when I was in, ALL military personnel were brothers and sisters. Race didn’t matter, if you liked or disliked someone didn’t matter, you were all family, and had to trust each other with your lives.”

“Was in from 2013-2017 was a police officer after I got out and went back active after Russia invaded Ukraine because we’re on deck for war. The difference now from when I first came in 11 years ago is terrifying… it’s a complete 180 degree turn. I do believe we’re still a lethal force. Just not the same culture. This culture sucks. This invasion of liberal agenda into the military is a cancer. The war fighting mentality took a back seat unfortunately. Our job is to successfully impose our will on an enemy, unfortunately it isn’t top priority over the feelings of junior enlisted.”

“I served in the very first cycle of gender integrated Army basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, MO in 1994. The female drill sergeants were overweight and dumb. The male drill sergeants were top tier guys that inspired me to be my best. The girls in my unit were whiny and needy. There were guys having sex with the girls behind dumpsters. It was a shit-show. On our mandatory 20k road march ALL the women fell out within the first 10k. The girls that I was friendly with took turns clinging to my rucksack calling “Hammett! Help me!” Until I was forced to shake them off so I could finish the march. The leadership was hamstrung from helping us. It was miserable. I was a rah-rah gung-ho soldier, who ran track and played football in high school, so I was a physical specimen, but my superior abilities made me a target for the inferior soldiers who would complain because they couldn’t keep up. I chose to end my service at the end of my contract because of wokeness before “wokeness” was a common term. I know many others felt the same.”

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