
80 years ago, an explanation of exactly what’s happening today

Here is a remarkable excerpt from a highly recommended book that the STARRS President is reading:  J. Michael Waller’s, 2024 Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains.

Hoover warned in a 1946 American Legion speech that Communists and their allies:

“are the very first ones who would introduce un-American, violent, murderous types of spy systems into our country.

They desire to break down true law enforcement in every part of America under the guise of the protection of alleged civil liberties so that they may, in turn, destroy the very things that they pretend to revere.”

Hoover understood what cultural Marxism, propelled with its logic chain of critical theory, would do to attack American society by working legally within the system.

“Herein lies the greatest threat of the foreign isms.

Wily, cunning masters of perversion that they are, with no regard for truth, they poison and pollute the very atmosphere of freedom with venomous attacks upon everything which we hold dear—our flag, our country, our churches, our homes, our institutions and our traditions.

It is the object of these schemers to raise doubt in the minds of our misinformed citizens, who too frequently follow the leader for the mere purpose of gaining some recognition.”

And then there was the deliberate misuse and distortion of language. Hoover got it. He tried to help the public understand it. In a 1940 college commencement address, he said:

“The strictest loyalty to communist ideas is combined with the ability to make all necessary compromises, zigzags, and retreats.

Aesopian language or double talk is a prominent deceptive advice used by communists to fool non-communists.

Communist Aesopian language always has two sides—the deceptive line for public consumption and the real Party line to advance communism.

Hence the words and terms uttered by communists, such as democracy and peaceful coexistence, have a meaning vastly different from accepted usage.”

“Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” anyone?

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